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Temat: All students should pay tuition fees for their university education. Discuss

Many universities now starting to introduce tuition fees for universities, even public, it’s causing outrage of many people. In my view there are many advantages and disadventages of paying tuition fee for education.
First of all students who learn well go to state colleges and universities in order to avoid fees on private universities. Secondly they often have to arrange the various scholarships to pay the costs of accommodation and food.Moreover under the current system students used to have tuition fees in private universities or study by default. Many students from poor families would not be able to afford to study. In addition schools often reserve the adjustment of school fees, for example due to increasing costs of education and school performance. But do not specify exactly when there may be a tuition increase, or if it may increase. Although the university has the right to determine for itself the amount of the fees, and change them, it always increases should be justified. It is also amending the fees for examinations or commission. Students are not accurately informed about them. Universities display the new price lists on tables.
Also universities often do not want to pay enrollment fees or pre-school fees in full when the student chooses not to learn. Not interested in it, when a student withdraws from the contract, why and what the benefits were actually done it.
On the other hand if students would pay tuition fees could raise the level of education. Universities could invest money in new equipment, books, teaching aids. Also, it could have been to hire new professors who are eminent specialists in the fields. Some money would also be earmarked for school rehabilitation and improve the lives of science through new equipment and modern classrooms. In addition, the money could be earmarked for international exchange between university. Students can also improve their skills abroad
I think that it’s not good idea tat all students should pay tuition fees for their university education. Many talented people often can not afford to be studying. In addition, fees are typical of private universities, where not required to be such a huge knowledge and state universities and the introduction of charges on them surely would be unfair to many people
NOWADAYS many universities START to introduce tuition fees for universities, even public, it's causing outrage of many people. In my view there are many advantages and disadventages of paying tuition fee for education.
First of all students who learn well go to state colleges and universities in order to avoid fees on private universities. Secondly they often have to arrange the various scholarships to pay the costs of accommodation and food. Moreover under the current system students used to have tuition fees in private universities or study by default. Many students from poor families would not be able to afford to study. In addition schools often reserve the adjustment of school fees, for example due to increasing costs of education and school performance. But do not specify exactly when there may be a tuition increase, or if it may increase. Although the university has the right to determine for itself the amount of the fees, and change them, it always increases should be justified. It is also amending the fees for examinations or commission. Students are not accurately informed about them. Universities display the new price lists on tables.
Also universities often do not want to pay enrollment fees or pre-school fees in full when the student choose not to learn. Not interested in it, when a student withdraws from the contract, why and what the benefits were actually done it.
On the other hand if students would pay tuition fees could raise the level of education. Universities could invest money in new equipment, books, teaching aids. Also, it could have been to EMPLOY new professors who are eminent specialists in the fields. Some money would also be earmarked for school rehabilitation and improve the lives of science through new equipment and modern classrooms. In addition, the money could be earmarked for international exchange between university. Students can also improve their skills abroad
I think that it's not good idea that all students should pay tuition fees for their university education. Many talented people often can not afford to (be) studying. In addition, fees are typical of private universities, where not required to be such a huge knowledge and state universities and the introduction of charges on them surely would be unfair to many people


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