Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zadanie dotyczyło streszczenia tekstu
O to co udało mi się naskrobać:

Text presents 5 different offers wchich can fulfil our dreams or overcome fear.

1 We can face our fears. Experienced trainers can provide the support we need.
They help we handle harmless snakes and other friendly reptiles. If we want to we can hold a tarantula too.

2. If we ever dream about winning Pip Idol or writing a Top Ten hit, we can meet Tony Bellamy, expert who has worked with EMI, MTV and dozens of top musicians. He gives we advice about performing life, music publishing and marketing.

3. If we want to go on a mission and learn what it takes to be a secret agent, highly-trained instructors will teach us all the essential 'spying' skills. We can learn how to fire automatic pistols and use high-tech laser guns!

4. If we want to find a new look that's just right for us they give us a key advice about clothes that flatter our shape and colours that siut we. They also analyse our face and tell what hairstyles and accessories to use.

5. If we would like to fly like a bird we can take their helicopter flight. During the flight, we wear headphones so we can talk to our pilot and hear his conversations with air traffic control.

>1 We can face our fears. Experienced trainers can provide the support
>we need.
We can face our fears/anxieties. Experienced specialists/trainers/consulting services(jeśli o to Ci chodzi...) can provide US WITH support we need.

>They help we handle harmless snakes and other friendly reptiles. If we
>want to we can hold a tarantula too. - WTF?

Może ktoś inny sprawdzi. pzdr.
provide the support
>we need.
to tez jest ok
THE Text
wchich - ortograf
or HELP overcome fear.

They help we
- ONI POMAGAJĄ MY - przecież nie 'my' tylko 'nam'. Kilka razy masz ten sam błąd w tym tekście. Co ciekawe, czasem używasz poprawnej formy!

meet Tony Bellamy, AN expert who has worked
performing liVe,

give us key advice - NIEPOLICZALNE


They also analyse our face and tell KOMU what hairstyles and accessories to use.
>want to we can hold a tarantula too. - WTF?

jeśli chcemy możemy też potrzymać tarantule.. o to chodziło ;p