Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
O wakacjach w czasie przeszłym :

Last Holiday I spent at polish seaside. On July I was with my friend in Łeba. I went there by train. I stayed in hotel which was situated 100metres from the sea.
I was there for two weeks. The weatcher was hot and sunny so every day I went to the beach I swam in the sea and I played volleyball.
In the afternoon I often went for ice-cream. At night I went to the disco, cinema and I went for a walk. In Łeba I spent a nice time and I didn't had problems.

Opis zdjęcia:
Ogólnie zdjęcie jest zrobione na jakiejś łące czy w ogrodzie, na zdjęciu jestem z mama i bratem a obok nas stoi zdenerwowana krowa ;d za nami jest jakiś stary budynek, a po prawej stronie drewniana studnia.

One of my favourite pictures is a photo of attacker cow.
My father took the photo in summer of 2000 when I was on holiday in Lublin.
On the picture I'm with my mother and brother. We were in the garden when she came cow. The cow was a big and dangerous.
Behind as is an old build. On the right is a wooden well.
I took this photo in album in my room. I like this picture because then I remember a wonderful holiday and ( i przypomina mi czas mojego dzieciństwa- nie wiem jak by to napisać)
Last Holiday I spent at THE Polish seaside. 'On' IN July I was with my friend
in Łeba.
I stayed in A hotel which was situated 100metres from the sea.
The 'weatcher' (ortog) was hot and sunny so every day I went to the beach.
In the afternoon I often went for AN ice-cream. At nightS I went to the
disco, cinema and I went for a walk. In Łeba I spent a nice time and I
didn't 'had' HAVE ANY problems.

Ogólnie zdjęcie jest zrobione na jakiejś łące czy w ogrodzie, na
zdjęciu jestem z mama i bratem a obok nas stoi zdenerwowana krowa ;d
za nami jest jakiś stary budynek, a po prawej stronie drewniana

One of my favourite pictures is a photo of 'attacker cow' (nie, moze COW ATTACKING.
'On' IN the picture I'm with my mother and brother. We were in the garden
when 'she came cow' (nie rozumiem tego....). The cow was 'a' (niepotr) big and dangerous.
Behind 'as' US is an old buildING.
I 'took'(moze inne slowo-) this photo in AN album in my room. I like this picture because then I remember a wonderful holiday and (i przypomina mi czas mojego dzieciństwa- and the time of my childhood)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie