krótki opinion essay, pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
TEMAT: Komputery stają się coraz bardziej popularne, ale eksperci twierdzą, iż powszechna komputeryzacja zburzy normalne stosunki międzyludzkie. Napisz rozprawkę podając argumenty za i przeciw tej tezie, oraz własną opinię na ten temat.
Together with development of computerization on the world enlarged quantity of use of this invention. From many years computers are not only tools of work, science and entertainment. These days that magical machine may be use for quick, efficient, and what I think the most important is free,interhuman transport.
First of all with using computer we can get to know many interesing people, in our age, from quite similar social group, with whom we will have many in common. At present many happy relationships beggins at the Internet.
Moreover communication at the Internet is faster and cheapper then for example by self-phone. This fact facilitates many matters connected from making an appointment .
On the other hand we can not forget about negative results of such facilitating our lifes. Nowadays in many famillies the conversation with using of internet camera is more popular from usual, sincere, on quickly. For the same reasons I think, it is faster and it costs nothing.
Opponents argue that situation can be even worse. Now men not wants even to speak with oneself. They prefer send a short message.
Taking everything into account my opinion is that computers are valuable and necessary invention. But we must know how use it and know where borders are. If we will forget about that we can stop speaking with each other differently than by internet, because this way is easier and more comfortable.


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