Luki w zdaniach, tłumaczenie, proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.A lot of people were waiting (wait) for them when they arrived.
2.She never drinking (drink) coffee, she always drinks (drink) tea.
3.John had left (leave) at ten and came (come) back at six.
4.While he was praying (pray), Hamlet watched (watch) him.
5.When she was younger she always wore (wear) jeans, now when she is older she loves wearing (wear) dresses.
6.What time the train will leave (leave)?
7.He always wrote (write) letters to his girlfriend but these days he writes (write) mails.
8.While he was driving (drive) the police stopped (stop) him.
9.Who you looking are at (look at) at the moment)
10.They hadn’t caught (not catch) the train at 5, but they caught (catch) the train at 6 and that’s why they were late for the meeting.
11.When I came into the house I saw that somebody is breaking into (break into) the house.
12.He hasn’t seen (not see) lately.

13.Janek błagał aby ściszyli telewizję, ponieważ nie mógł się uczyć.
John was begging them to turn down Tv because He couldn’t study.
14.Od poczatku roku było aż 5 poważnych wypadków.
Since the begining of the year have been 5 car accidents.
15.Ona nigdy nie piła kawy, ponieważ rodzice jej nie pozwalają.
She had never drank coffee because her Parents don’t allowed her.
16.Kto pozwolił ci ich obrażać?
Who allowed you to offend them?
17.Nie zaprosili go jeszcze ponieważ ciągle jest niezdecydowany.
They haven’t invited him if he’s still undecided.
18.Zapomniał ją poinformować o waznym spotkaniu.
He forgot inform Her about import ant meeting.
19.Postanowił zemścić się za to co powiedziała.
He decided to take revange for that what she Said.
20.Co sprawiło, że przyjechałeś?
What had made you came?
21.Podczas, gdy zachęcała ją do zmiany szkoły ktoś zapukał do drzwi.
While she was contentanceing Her to changing school somebody knocked to the door.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia