Walentynki-Może mi ktoś ją poprawic?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I think that Valentine's Day is needed and enjoyable holiday, which I will try to prove the following arguments.
First of all, Valentine's Day is the day on which we are brave and easier for us to confess his feelings to another person. The whole magic of this holiday gives us so. Courage. Seeing all this fuss about Walenytnek it is easier to us to say "I love you" or other nice words. Not every day we celebrate Valentine's Day and every day we get a reason "given us a hand" to express their feelings.
Secondly, the lovers can spend the day with him longer than usual. Nobody does not interfere with them somewhere in the exits to the cinema or for a romantic dinner or even a walk in the moonlight. Mostly parents also give more free time than usual for their children to leave with his lover / beloved.
The next argument is an opportunity to organize a Valentine Day party, because if we do not want to go to the disco where we usually go every day just to gather a group of friends, collect some money and fun guaranteed. It is also something good for the so-called. "Singles" that travelers spend the Valentine Day, because you know the prywatce his second a half.
Another thing is, a great day for producers cards, Valentine's Day, plush toys and anything that is suitable to give away their affection, because that day is in itself zakochaniu buy gifts to celebrate Valentine's Day as a time to give something of their liking.
Another example can be obtained even if the joy of the paper. This is not an ordinary sheet of such as that of the wishes that we get to, for example: birthday, or birthday party. On that day, the content of such pages you can read the inscription,''I love you. Fun associated with the receipt of that is fun Walentyniki detective, you find out from those who got a love confession.
It is worth mentioning also the schools. After all, in this particular day, students are asked to respond and have-made tests. One could say that teachers do a silly little quiz, or ask someone when you order the feast of Valentine delights. Seeing that smile could say that the teacher recall his school years and the day of Valentine's Day, when he first got the card. Does his pleasure in his heart, and she gives students is popularly known as "beating".
At the end I would like to write about joy, which in this day granted to us all, because Valentine's Day is such a beautiful and romantic holiday ...
I believe that I carried out above arguments are sufficient to render it necessary Valentine Day and enjoyable.
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