
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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If I would find on uninhabited island I would have to survive. I would draw on sand "help" and I would lit fire.

gdybym znalazla sie na bezludnej wyspie musialabym przetrwac. narysowalabym na piasko pomocy i rozpalila ognisko
>If I would find (kogo? czego? tutaj musisz napisac) on (tu cos brakuje) uninhabited island I would have to survive. I would draw on (tu cos brakuje)sand (tu brakuje...the word) "help" and I would lit (tu cos brakuje) fire.
Uwazam ze to jest present unreal cond. wiec "I would find" nie jest poprawnie.
But watch out for the butt-ugly cannibals wiggling their ‘saggy marbles",if you don't want to be eaten at the very beginning:)
Well, unless Robson and his faithful Friday guy come to your aid and you drown your sorrows all together rolling a ‘huge killer-weed-Mary Jane stick" which thing is galore on a desert island :)
And polar bears and black smoke and the Others...

Anyone else watches Lost?
Nah, I'm all over Christian Bale in American Psycho and Harsh Times like.
Now that explains a lot of "things", doesn't it ? :)
'Wow man , what a knock-out dudette, lemme get my ashes hauled".

What did you expect ? I'm a never-was chromosome myself. -:)
If I would ever find myself on a deserted island ...jest ok
If I found myslef (stuck)/if I were stranded/ on a deserted island, I'd try to survive.
Right on, Art.
"If I would ever find myself on.." - I wouldn't go that far but it's possible
and I can elaborate this if necessary.
To be more precise,I think a 'deserted island' is not much the same thing as a 'desert island, ? Whay do you think ?
This one is really tricky. Desert island usually means uninhabited island and we don't have any problem with this definition so far, but according to some standard authorities it is a coral atoll with no source of fresh water and this definition makes me think again about the word I chose. Nobody would survive long on that kind of island. That's why I'd opt for "uninhabited island" instead, just to make my life down there easier and more pleasurable - with waterfalls and brooks all over the island.... ;-)

So, yes, I agree that "desert island" is used for "uninhabited island" and usually it is "deserted island" ;-)
If there really is someone who thinks that the clause 'If I would ever find myself on...' is correct, they must have been mistaught. There's no such thing as 'would' in the if-clause, except when used as a mark of 'willingness'.
If I have found myself on uninhabited island I would have to survive. I would draw "Help" on the sand and I would lit the fire/bonefire.

Chyba tak brzmi lepiej (zdecydowanie dla "Help" przed "on the sand")
ajej. przepraszam, jedna pomylka. Zdecydowanie pisze sie "IN the sand"
If I (have) found myself on an uninhabited island in order to survive I would draw "Help" in the sand and (I would) light a fire/bonfire
to taka druga propozycja
bez have
(deep breath)
Despite the 1.2 million hits on Google that the expression "if I would ever find myself" produced, I agree (is there anyway to shrink text???) with engee that this usage is substandard.

(siunia scanning the sky wildly for lightning bolts)
*any way
jesli bez have to i bez would
If I found..., I draw...

ze niby tak?
I hink it is right, it is only that you don't seem to understand the deeper meaning behind it. And just for your info, there is no such thing as right or wrong in the Eng lang. There is the correct way (my way) and there is the other way.
Learn a bit more and ask a native.
Sir John,
You know your position so stick to it and DO not attempt to get people on your side against me, darling, it will simply NOT work.
>I hink it is right, it is only that you don't seem to understand the
>deeper meaning behind it.

Could you enlighten me then please? Seems as if I'm 'extremely short-sighted', I mean I cannot see any deeper meaning in it. :(
tak. Ale wtedy bylby to zupelnie inny czas i kontekst, dlatego w przypadku podanego wyzej zdania jest "have". Takie wlasnie zdanie by wypowiedzial (i zrobil to) rodowity Brytyjczyk. Tak mi powiedzial :)
OK. moze nie jasno wyjasnione bylo. Wyrazy w nawiasie sa do wyboru - wyrzuc wyrazy z nawiasu: masz jedna opcje zdania; zostaw wyrazy w nawiasie: druga opcja.
Sorry za nieporozumienie ;)
Wiesz, tylko ze wszyscy na tym forum wiedza, ze "tak mi powiedzial native" to zaden argument. Ile osob po polsku mowi "poszlem"?
Hmm, to prawda, ale prawda tez jest, ze sie nie dowiemy czy podane zdanie jest poprawne gramatycznie dopoki martuniaoo7 nie powie nam co na to jej nauczyciel/osoba oceniajaca jej prace. Ta osoba bedzie ekspertem. W tej chwili nikt z nas na 100% nie jest. Chyba ze powolamy sie na konkretne podreczniki, slowniki, ksiazki wlacznie z tytulami rozdzialow i numerami stron jako referencje naszych wypowiedzi...
mamy rozne podreczniki, z ktorych wynika, ze w zdaniach warunkowych tego typu uzywa sie simple past po if.
Czy poza tym jestes pewna, ze ten native nie powiedzial 'had'?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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