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Tak. Pozatym nie powiedzial, tylko napisal :) I tak, wiemy, ze sa 3 rodzaje zdan warunkowych. I nieraz wszysttko zalezy od kontekstu i od polecenia w zadanym cwiczeniu :)
My dear “pious prescriptivist ” Engee ( on offense buddy, I really like you, not to say “love”…. :))
This is always the case when someone is able to distinguish something which is absurdly obvious but lacking in any possible prospective foresight in terms of its broader semantic-syntactic spectrum.
Again, we’re not talking someone’s manner of using grammar forms and being judged as bad or good in accordance with the violation of the fixed grammatical rules. Nor is it up to ESL/IELTS levels but somewhat syntactic study, for that matter.

So then, may I enlighten you,Sir ,as for what the possible development of ‘protasis’ followed by ‘would’ in conditional sentences might be in the future, apart from those exclusions you mentioned( needless to say, you’re not a stranger to this grammatical term which simply means “If-clause”)

But just for the recoerd, I didn’t say it is CORRECT, I said it’s POSSIBLE, that’s a marked difference. Of course it’s INCORRECT as far as our prescriptive grammar goes and rightly so, even a Cro-Magnon man backed up by witches around a cauldron would work out the same conclusion ALL BY THEMSELVES ( after laborious mathematical calculations of course :)

This is indeed what they call “ a non-standard subjunctive”. It doesn’t make sense to further labour the point but you might be interested in reading the following :


“This appears to be a possible, if not probable, development, as there is an increase in the use of ‘WOULD’ in the protasis of conditional clause in American English, according to Hancock ( 1993:241)

“Innovations in idiom seem to attract less attention than new words… One that seems to belong to this century is the encroachment of “if he would have” on “if he had”. She illustrates her claim that this construction is also found in the speech of educated Americans by citations from newspaper articles, quoting a brain surgeon, two government officials, and a professor of English.
The following example is from the professor of English :

(509) “If I would have lampooned Huckleberry Finn or rewritten it completely, I would have been taking a stand ( Hartfort [CT] Times, 27 February 1970)

Hancock ( 1993:251) interprets the use of ‘would’ in her example as a “non-standard subjunctive”,which is used to indicate counterfactuality, thus making up for the los of the subjunctive.

As “would” has also encroached on the simple past in written Standard English (cf. Miller 1993:124), it seems possible that not only Scots but also Standard English may be changing from a language that marks only the apodosis of conditional sentences counterfactual or hypothetical to one that marks both apodosis and protasis.
Mógł się normalnie po ludzku pomylić.
kto ?
Who cares ! :)
>Tak. Pozatym nie powiedzial, tylko napisal :)

A może by go zapytac, która wersja brzmi lepiej, po namyśle - z have czy bez have
I czy on napisał także 'lit'?

>I tak, wiemy, ze sa 3 rodzaje zdan warunkowych. I nieraz wszysttko zalezy od kontekstu i od polecenia w zadanym cwiczeniu :)

Ale zdanie z 'have' nie pasuje do żadnego z tradycyjnie wyróznianych typów zdań warunkowych.
Would that you loved me, mate. :)

>“This appears to be a possible, if not probable, development,
That's the exact term for such use, a possible and probable development (obviously no prescription).

>(509) “If I would have lampooned Huckleberry Finn or rewritten it completely, I would have been taking a stand ( Hartfort [CT] Times, 27 February 1970)
Just look and see how sloppy that utterence is! If I would have lampooned... I would have been... Looks real poor to me.

A counterfactual conditional statement is already present in 'If I had lampooned... I would have been...'
>>>Nobody would survive long on that kind of island.

Unless you're surrounded by a couple of dozen knock-out gorgeous "breats-works", huh ? ;))
Basically, agree Artur, I just thought that a deserted island is the one which most probably was abandoned by its inhabitants some long time ago while a desert island is unpeopled in the first place /since its very beginning.
Besides, if you parse them respectively; the ‘deserted island’ is an adjective +noun and a desert island is a fixed compound noun I guess.
On second thought , what difference does it make if it's zilch there, goose-egg, nisht.. nothing anyway ..:)
>> sloppy....

Agree engee, I can improve on that.. it's as butt-fugly as flies around a honey pot. It as homely as a mud fence. It's as fugly as pigs in the trough. :)
And that's what I call references! :D :D :D
Good one! :)
Whatever the case,as judging by the current trends in the development of the English language internationally, 'would' will most probably 'formally' saddle up the protasis before we our descendant say Jack Robinson while we'll surely be dead by then anyway.
*before our descendants
*we - cut
I can improve on that.. it's as butt-fugly as flies
>around a honey pot. It as homely as a mud fence. It's as fugly as pigs
>in the trough

Ever since you started writing your posts on this forum, I've been wondering what sources you've got to word your feelings and opinions in such a distinctive fashion, whose samples you've just provided us with above. May it be principally due to all the thesauri you're in possession of? Would you let me in on the secret?
wow, savvy!
I used to get all weak-kneed when you talked dirty...talking "grammar" is even more ***ilating.
What is going to happen to me when I get both you and mg together???

I'm melting.....

"would you let me in on your secret"

If he did, he would have to kill you..."omerta" and all that

engee: 'fess up, the lightning bolt part was rather funny
Sav, he's trying to steal your "mojo"
Well , I’m abit shy by nature as you probably know but what the heck ..:)
but again,only between you, me and the lamppost, No one knows yet, even Canada.:)) please don’t go stool ( don’t tell it anybody ok ?)

Austin Texas , Del Valle Correctional Facility
2 years in that cannery, beat the bricks in 2003
I’ve been wrongly accused of farting in public places , bluecoat kojaks didn’t want to drop the charge and a ‘touched by an ugly stick buffalo-butt judge’
(a sharply critical compound noun ,what ? ;)) did what came natural..

That’s why there’s a gap in my resume , hahaha
Do you believe me ? :)) Because I don’t.
What is going to happen to me when I get both you and mg together???
>I'm melting.....

Don't, we don't need another H-bomb.
≫>What is going to happen to me when I get both you and mg together???
≫>I'm melting.....

Hey, I’m not that fruity. You’re melting ?? That’s good. I’m used to having women swooning over me.:)) Yeah, I wish I was ,it’s just a mere vanity and foolish braggery of mine, ma’am. No to worry dear, I'm an upright citizen of hemorrhoidal-bolshevikian-bananishan republic of Pollockia and I know how to behave myself before folks. :)) I’ll be dipped in sh*t if I didn’t, put me up the no less crappy creek without a single drop of water if I did, I hasten to add. ;)

By the way, I happen to coin a couple of interesting phrases in english,
maybe someday I will write a small concise "Children Dictionary & Thesaurus set"
for those egregiously concerned. :)
Do you like my prose ? Can you praise me a little ? I haven’t heard that for such a long time ;(

Hi Mex, how's it going there , buddy, hope you're feeling goood :)

Because I'm feeling better than I desrve, (laughing inside out like a bear shit**ng in the woods ::)
>>>decisions, decisions...what's a girl to do?

The only thing she's to do is to ask,'What's your poison man ?" :)
>>You know your position so stick to it and DO not attempt to get people on your >>side against me
I must have missed this one. You weren’t referred to, janek-boy. How come ? What an atrocious unfairness is it indeed ! Hang on , boy, I rush to your aid immediately.
To follow the very above ‘citation’ I would humbly suggest that the requirements of your current position of toadyish-barfing spider would be filled more effectively if you just gave your face a rest for good. Please , consider the above suggestion with all the dignity befitting an infinitesimally microcephalic crawler of your kind.
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