Sprawdzenie Prognozy Pogody

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Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności językowej tej wypowiedzi:
Good evening ! Weather did not favour us today unfortunately, but situation will change entirely tomorrow because pleasant warm high-pressure area will reach to us from above Spain. This will cause considerable raise temperature and pressure. This can bad unfortunately influence on older and suffering from hypertension persons. Children will can be happy in first day of spring with typically summer weather. It on area of whole Poland will not be the rainfalls. Possible fogs will be.Clouds will disappear from sky. We will not feel the gusts of wind, so perceptible temperature will be considerably higher than in reality. I wish nice day!
>Good evening ! (tu cos brakuje) wWeather did not favour us today unfortunately, but (tu cos brakuje) situation will change entirely tomorrow because (tu cos brakuje) pleasant warm high-pressure area will reach 'to' (niepotr) us from 'above' (co to niby jest - co jest above albo below Spain?) . This will cause considerable 'raise' (zle slowo) (tu cos brakuje) temperature and pressure. This can 'bad unfortunately influence' (zmien to, zla kol slow...unfortunately, have a bad...) on older (ale older co? koty? psy? dzieci? plants? co? musisz napisac) and (tutaj napisz kto?) suffering from hypertension
'persons' (w zlym miejscu). Children 'will can' (generalnie nie stawiamy 2 modale obok siebie, pomysl co chcesz napisac i jeden wystarczy) be happy 'in' (zle slowo-pomysl)(tu cos brakuje) first day of spring with (tu cos brakuje) typically summer weather. 'It on' (tego nie rozumiem) area of (tu cos brakuje) whole (tu cos brakuje) Poland will not be 'the' (zle slowo, daj tutaj ANY) rainfalls. 'Possible fogs will be' (zmien to zdanie na ..There is a likelihood of...). Clouds will disappear from (tu cos brakuje) sky.
I wish (ale komu? mnie? kolezance? no komu? napisz) (tu cos brakuje) nice day!


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie