Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania - listu prywatnego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz list (120-150 słów) do przyjaciółki z Wielkiej Brytanii, w którym:
1). przepraszasz że długo nie pisałaś i podaj powód.
2). Prosisz o radę jak się ubrać na urodziny chłopaka.
3). Zasugeruj jej gdzie powinna pojechać na wakacje i napisz dlaczego.
4). Życz jej powodzenia na egzaminie na prawo jazdy.

Dear Ania,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I have been in hospital after accident, but everything is good now.
I have a little problem. How you any ideas what should I wear for my boyfriend’s birthday? I thank about my blue dress but it can be too modest. What do you think about skirt and short blouse? It will be good? I hope that you help me in choice. Maybe could you give me some advice?
You asked me where you should go on holiday. If I were you, I would drive to Poland, especially to mountains. Poland is beautiful country with a lot of monuments and interesting wildlife. On summer is sunny weather here.
And I wish you good luck on driving license examine. You learned it a lot so I think that you will pass.
Give my love to Tom.
All the best,
Dear Ania,
I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, (przecinek przed but) but I have been in hospital after (tu cos brakuje) accident, but everything is good now.
'How' (calkowicie zle slowo-popraw) you any ideas what should I wear for my
boyfriend's birthday? I 'thank' (dziekuje?-popraw) (tutaj masz tez zly czas) about my blue dress, but it can be too modest. What do you think about (tu cos brakuje) skirt and (tu cos brakuje) short blouse? 'It will' (zla kol slow, tutaj zadajesz pytanie-popraw) be good? I hope that you (tutaj brakuje cos) help me in (tu cos brakuje) choice. Maybe 'could you' (zla kol slow, poczytaj jak sie zadaje pytania w ang.) give me some advice?
You asked me where you should go on (tu cos brakuje) holiday. If I were you, I would drive to Poland, especially to (tu cos brakuje) mountains. Poland is (tu cos brakuje) beautiful country with a lot of monuments and interesting wildlife. 'On' (na lato? co ty piszesz - popraw) summer (tu cos brakuje) is sunny weather here.
And I wish you good luck 'on' (calkowicie zle slowo, daj WITH) 'driving license examine' (tego nawet nie rozumiem). You 'learned it a lot' (najmniej powiedziec to jest niezgrabne) so I think that you will pass.
bardzo dziekuje za pomoc:))
a co to znaczy "najmniej powiedzieć to jest niezgrabnie" ??


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie