Poprawnie gramatycznie? Esej.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy to jest poprawnie? Bo mam problem z czasami angielskimi oO Potrzebuję tego na poniedziałek/wtorek ! Proszę o pomoc

My essay doesn’t begin with words "I would like to study on ...." It is too trivial.
So... I was born on 24 January, 1994yeras. At first I learned to speak, read and write. When I got to know world I knew what I wanted to do in the life For about 11 years I’m sure that I will be a lawyer and how will look like my future.
I would like to fight for justice not only in my country, but also around the world. I can do that while studying at one of the best universities - Oxford.
I would like to pass my knowledge to others people and with dignity to defend theirs rights.
My essay doesn't begin with PRZEDIMEK words "I would like to study on ...."


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie