Opis przyjaciela

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Serdecznie proszę o sprawdzenie i korektę poniższego opisu:

The person who i want to describe is my friend Mark. He is my peer and we go to the same school. Mark is tall and slim. He has long wavy hair. He has got small bright blue eyes. He wears sport-style clothing. Mark is very polite, honest and good-natured. He learns very diligently but he is modest. He doesn''t talk a lot and before he says something he thinks twice. Mark is also very responsible and tactful. I can count on him in every situation. When I'm in need he always helps me. We spend together a lot of time. In my opionion ark is the best friend I have ever had.
He learns very diligently but he is modest.
Mark is also very responsible and tactful.
Zdania sa OK gramatycznie ale co chcesz przekazac?

I can count on him in every situation.
When I'm in need he always helps me.
Te zdania znacza prawie to samo.

We spend a lot of time TOGETHER.
"He learns very diligently but he is modest."

Chodzilo mi o to, że chlopak dobrze się uczy, ale się nie wywyższa swoja wiedza.
samo slowo "modest" okresla kogos kto ma zdolnosci itp i sie nimi nie chwali.
czyli najlepiej napisac zdanie z samym modest ?
The person who 'i' (proszed pamietac, ze 'I' piszemy DUZYMI literami i to zawsze) want to describe is my friend Mark.
He has got small bright-blue eyes.
He learns very diligently, (przecinek przed 'but') but he is modest. He doesn't talk a lot and before he says something he thinks ABOUT IT twice.
We spend 'together a lot of time' (zla kol slow...a lot of time together). In my 'opionion' (ortog) 'ark' (ortog) is the best friend I have ever had.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


FCE - sesja lato 2010