prosba o sprawdzenie

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witam, proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego eseja:

Studying abroad. It sounds great. Today education is very important. If you are bachelor, you won’t have any problems with getting a job. Many people think, that abroad universities are better than Polish schools. Let’s discuss about advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

One major advantage, in my opinion the best reason to study abroad, is that students can improve foreign language, for instance, English. Usually, people who study at, for example, at Harvard are brilliant at English. They know a lot of culture in country, where they have been learning.

Moreover, far from home people can learn how to live on their own. It is really important if student is clumsy momma’s boy.

On the other hand, living in big cities, for instance, in London is very expensive. If you want to study without care about money, you must have rich parents or a high scholarship. Working is not a good idea in, at least in first year, because you have got a lot of material to learn.

The next disadvantage, you are alone at the beginning of your studies. You have not got any friends, who can help you in bad moments.

I think, students should choose place of studying personally. As J said at the beginning, education is really important for our future. We should take care about it.


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