sprawdzenie listu oficjalnego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę
Amerykańska organizacja poszukuje młodych ludzi chętnych do podjęcia pracy podczas festiwalu rockowego w USA. Napisz list do organizatorów festiwalu, w którym:
1.poinformujesz, skąd dowiedziałaś się o tej ofercie i dlaczego się nią zainteresowałaś
2.napiszesz, jaki rodzaj pracy chciałabyś wykonywać i dlaczego jesteś odpowiednią kandydatką 3.powiesz, jakie masz oczekiwania od pracodawcy i obiecasz spełnić jego warunki
4.poprosisz o przesłanie dodatkowych informacji o warunkach zakwaterowania i transporcie do miejsca koncertu.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in yesterday’s issue of „The World”, and I would like to apply for the job at rock festival. I enjoy listening to rock, and that is why I am interested in this job.
I would like to be a sales assistant in your small shop next to the stage. I think I am suitable for this job because I have already worked as sale assistant in many various stores. I would like to job in a nice atmosphere and I would like to know how the salary is. I promise that I will qualify all. I would like to know, what about an accommodation and how can I get to the place, where the concert will take place.
I hope that my application will be taken into consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully
I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in yesterday’s issue of „The World”, and I would like to apply for the job at THE Rock Festival.
I think THAT I am suitable for this job because I have already worked as saleS assistant in many various stores. I would like to 'job' WORK in a nice atmosphere and I would like to know 'how' WHAT the salary is.
I promise that I will 'qualify all' (tego nie rozumiem).
I would like to know 'what' (niepotr) about 'an' (zly przedimek) accommodation and how can I get to the place, where the concert will take place.
dziekuje :)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in yesterday’s issue of „The World”, and I would like to apply for the job at the Rock Festival. I enjoy listening to rock, and that is why I am interested in this job.
I would like to be a sales assistant in your small shop next to the stage. I think I am suitable for this job because I have already worked as sales assistant in many various stores. I would like to workin a nice atmosphere and I would like to know what the salary is.
I promise that I will qualify all. -> to jest na kropkę „obiecasz spełnić jego warunki”
I would like to know about the accommodation and how can I get to the place, where the concert will take place.
I hope that my application will be taken into consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully

proszę o sprawdzenie po poprawkach
*I think that I am suitable for this job because I have already worked as sales assistant in many various stores.

I promise that I will qualify all. -> to jest na kropkę „obiecasz spełnić jego warunki”
czy to jest poprawnie? jeśli nie, to jak zmienić?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie