Tha Fall of Lehman Brothers - kłopotliwe zdania

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Tlumacze sobie film "The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers" z angielskimi napisami i mam problem z zrozumieniem sensu paru zdań, mam nadzieje, że mi pomożecie z czymkolwiek

oto link do filmu na youtube:

A oto Klopotliwe zdania:
1. 14:41 min- "Barclays wants us And Bank of America will come around" - w jakim sensie jest "come around'? i 14:52min "and when do you not want this done by?" - struktura tego pytania jest dziwna dla mnie...

2. 14:44 min "...we will put together a bare-bones filing so that we know every strategic position has been covered"

3. 18.12min " Im sure the Lord would think was not as bad ..." w jakim sensie jest tu uzytte The Lord?

4. 23:46min "When you watch Bart make his pitch today"

5. 23:51min "What if we all pool our resources and rescue them? "

6. 26:06min "If Paulson had let me put a team..."

7. 26:30 min "We might as well pick a number out of the air"

8. 32:13 min " I think the two of us should learn to dither a little more "
1. will come round - tutaj ...jest szansa ze sie zgodzi
2.bare-bones - na same suche kosci bedziemy nakladac tresc i wtedy bedziemy pewni, ze wszystko
3. cos mi tu nie gra z tym zdaniem
4. make pitch - tutaj ...przedstawienie
5.pool our resources - zgromadzimy nasze srodki
6.let me put a team - zgodzilby sie zebym ustalil grupe
7. pick a number out of the air - mozemy bawic sie w zgadywanke
8.dither - rozwazac sprawy - raz z jednej strony raz z drugiej.
>>a bare-bones filing

When you file a bankruptcy case, you're usually being hounded by your creditors, you're facing a foreclosure sale, you're kinda freaking out, you know you're up the shit creek already
and it's pressing you to get your case filed to avoid any possible unavoidable transfers….
so you can do a 'bare-bones filing' to facilitate your case.

It's basically a petition containing a list of creditors and a statement of your credit counseling.
Here you can put it just like 'wniosek o upadlosc'
2. 14:44 min "...we will put together a bare-bones filing so that we know every strategic position has been covered"...tutaj wniosek o upadlosc nie pasuje - bare-bones - od poczatku
Big no, dear. That's exactly what it was all about, it's about how these sharks went broke because of ther greediness, but that's a different story...

watch the clip carefully starting from 14.21

...The first thing you need to know that none of this is happening, the second thing you need to know you don't discuss this with anyone, If anyone saw you come in or sees you go out, you're here to advise on the sale. What's not happening? We're not considering bankruptcy. We do not need to prepare a Chapter Seven petition. Barclays wants us, and Bank of America will come around. As an exercise, however, we will put together a bare-bones filing so that we know every strategic position has been covered

A Chapter seven petition is exactly what they call a bare-bones petition (or filing)

p.s. because there's no such equivalent to 'wniosek o ogloszenie upadlosci' in kelbasa-land, the 'wniosek...' would be just fine
edytowany przez savagerhino: 21 wrz 2013
p.s. Incidentally, I'm familiar with this bare-bones filing term not beacuse of that link but because of Dave Ramsey (

He's considered to be a financial guru in the U.S. I used to listen to his programs, like ., say a lot.
I guess even an average joe sixpack in the gutter probably knows who he is. I do too:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 21 wrz 2013
Obviously, you are right. In truth, I had not listened to the whole passge, but just went on gut instinct from the written extracts.
>>> in kelbasa-land, had a good laugh about this description.
Dzieki za pomoc!
Jesteście pewni co do 4. ? bo coś mi nie pasuje..."make a pitch "ma różne znaczenia np zachwalać albo nakłaniać....

Jeszcze pare zdań których sensu do końca nie rozumiem...

1 . 33:39 "The time came when you should have folded" - w jakim sensie jest tu folded?\
2. 33:55 "We are not dealin in months any more"
3. 35:37 "had that luck and it all fell together"
4. 36:05 "dont pick at the boneyard"
>>Jesteście pewni co do 4. ? bo coś mi nie pasuje..."make a pitch "ma

..make his pitch today ..
wystapi ze swoja propozycja ( w tym kontekscie pewnie rozwiazania jakiegos tam problemu) i bedzie sie staral bronic ja zarliwie ze wszystkich sil..czyli bedzie wciskal kita, na to samo wychodzi bo i tak na to nikt nie pojdzie

1. w jakim sensie jest tu folded?\ - to cease to be operational, tutaj mysle ze 'zrezygnowac' powinno pasowac
2. nie mowimy juz o miesiacach tylko o .... - dalej z kontekstu wynika
3. ..and it all clicked into place
4. na koncu jezyka mam poski odpowiednik ..ale na razie bym powiedzial 'nie stawiaj na przegranego konia', dalej z kontekstu to jasne
wiem ze tak sie nie mowi moze ale nic lepszego mi nie przychodzi do glowy w tej chwili
edytowany przez savagerhino: 09 paź 2013
48:49 "we have no intentions of taking your stripes away from you"
Cytat: mrmetju
48:49 "we have no intentions of taking your stripes away from you"

Really? Maybe you should try to come up with a DIY version this time and put it up here, at least once?
To metafora związana z terminologią wojskową. Zgrabne tłumaczenie wymyśl sam, w końcu to ty się pod nim podpiszesz.
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