What would do?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy to jest poprawnie zapisane zdanien? I jak je rozumiec?
Zależy od kontekstu. Skąd to zdanie i w jakiej sytuacji zostało powiedziane?
Cytat: Marcinkk22
Czy to jest poprawnie zapisane zdanien? I jak je rozumiec?

Yes, it is a grammatically formed question (rejoinder).

For example:
A: That wouldn’t do.
B: (If that wouldn’t do,) What would do (then)?

You could substitute any nominal or any noun clause for “that.” The interrogative pronoun what is used to ask for a working alternative or alternatives.
Cytat: Janski
Yes, it is a grammatically formed question (rejoinder).

Grammatically correct, not grammatically formed.

Also, please wait until the poster provides context, because it may well turn out What would do? is supposed to be What would you do?
Grammatically correct, not grammatically formed.

Also, please wait until the poster provides context, because it may well turn out What would do? is supposed to be What would you do?[/quote]

You are a truly moronic knucklehead. And, to make it easier for you to get the full picture of your pitiable self, a perfectly formed incompetent and self-deluded jackass.
And, to make it easier for you to get the full picture of your pitiable self, a perfectly formed incompetent and self-deluded jackass.

You missed a comma there, pal.

Help the phoney!

Did I miss one too? I'll let you figure it out.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.