Speech na ang. Czy znajdzie się ktoś kto mi pomoże

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Witam. Czy ktoś jest w stanie to przetłumaczyć:

Zdania obcokrajowców o Polakach są bardzo różne. Niestety w czasch komunizmu wyrobiliśmy sobie złą opinię. W szczególności na zachodzie uważano nas za nieporadnych ludzi, którzy podejmą się nawet najgorszej pracy. Mówiono o nas nawet jako o alkocholikach i złodziejach. Obecnie po wejsćiu Polski do UE i otwarciu granic zdanie o nas zmiania się. Poznano nas jako doskonałych fachowców, którzy solidnie i szybko wykonują swoją pracę. Polacy są konkurencją dla cudzoziemców poniewaz sa dobrze wyksztalceni i maja duze doswiadczenie. Kazdy cudzozeimec ktory przyjedzie do Polski jest bardzo zaskoczony. Po pierwsze nasz polska gościnnosc oszolamia turystow, Polak zrobi wszystko, żęby zadowolić gościa. Obcokrajowców dziwi też nasz otwartośc. Do naszego domu można przyjść o każdej poże i porozmawiać na każdy temat. Sądzę ze mimo wszystko opinnia obcokrajowców o Polakach jest dobra.

Z góry dziękuje.
Prosze napisac swoja wersje po ang. my to poprawimy, oczywiscie jak tam beda bledy.
Mamy tutaj zasady na forum - ze nie tlumaczymy zadan domowych.
Wiem o tym i zawsze się do tego stosowałem, co widać po mich wcześniejszych tematach.
Jednak to jest inne gdyż dopiero dziś się dowiedziałem, ze muszę to an jutro zrobić i się nauczyć, a jestem przywalony robotą... Zacząłem to tłumaczyć sam ale po 3 pierwszych zdaniach się poddałem , bo bym to całość tłumaczył ze 3h a dziś na to sobie nie mogę pozwolić.
Więc może w drodze wyjątku?
Bardzo was o to proszę.
Foreigners' sentences about Polish are very different. We developed the bad opinion in times of communism unfortunately. Peculiarity on west we were have been careful for incapable people, which will undertake to the even worst job. It was told about us even as about alcoholics and thieves. At present after Poland join UE and open borders, the sentence about us is changing. It we were have got to know as perfect experts, which execute their job solidly and quickly. Polish are competition for foreigners because they are educated well and have large experience. Every foreigner who will arrive to Poland is very surprised. Our Polish hospitality bewilders tourists, Polish will make all to satisfy guest. Our frankness surprises foreigners also. To our house it is possible to come about every time and to talk on every subject. I judge that it despite all foreigners' opinion about Polish people is good.
sentences - to jest zle slowo w tym.
Foreigners' sentences - tutaj daj 'opinion' about Polish (ale co?) are very different (to what?)
'We' (daj tutaj The Polish people...)
Unfortunately, we've worked out a bad opinion in times of communism.especially in west, we were have been considered for incapable people, which would undertake even the worst job.We,ve even been called alcoholics and thieves. At present, after Poland have entered UE and the borders have been opened open borders, opinions about us change. Polish people are a good competition for foreigners, as they're well educated and very experienced. Every foreigner comming to Poland is very surprised. Our Polish hospitality bewilders tourists, a Pole willdo everything to satisfy his guest. Our frankness surprises foreigners as well. One can come to our house at every time and talk on every topic. I think that, dispite everything, foreigners' opinion about Poles is good
Unfortunately, we've worked out a bad opinion in times of communism.especially in west, we were have been considered incapable people, which would undertake even the worst job.We,ve even been called alcoholics and thieves. At present, after Poland have entered UE and the borders have been opened open borders, opinions about us change. Polish people are a good competition for foreigners, as they're well educated and very experienced. Every foreigner comming to Poland is very surprised. Our Polish hospitality bewilders tourists, a Pole willdo everything to satisfy his guest. Our frankness surprises foreigners as well. One can come to our house at every time and talk on every topic. I think that, dispite everything, foreigners' opinion about Poles is good

bez "for" miedzy "considered" a "incapable"

my bad;]
Unfortunately, we've 'worked' (zle slowo- tutaj ACHIEVED) 'out' (niepotr) a bad opinion FROM 'in times' THE TIME of Communism.
Especially in THE West, 'we were have been' (albo jedno albo drugie) considered incapable people, 'which' (gdy mowimy o ludziachj to zawsze WHO) would undertake even the worst jobS.
At present, after Poland 'have' (Poland -it, it-to 3os.l.poj - prosze dostosowac czasownik) entered THE UE and 'the borders have been opened open borders' (albo jedno albo drugie), opinions about us HAVE changeD.
Every foreigner 'comming' (co sie stalo - slowo jest COMING) to Poland is very surprised.
I think that, dEspite everything, foreigners' opinion about Poles is good.
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