Witam, bardzo prosiłabym o przetłumaczenie mi kilku rzeczy z którymi nie potrafię sobie poradzić. Część rzeczy to teksty z piosenek.
1."in the suite, on the news
everybody dog food" (co oznacza to "everybody dog food", jak to rozumieć?)
2."everybody do me"
3. "don't you black or white me"
4. everybody allegation" ( punkty od 1 do 4 pochodzą z piosenki "They don't care about us")
5. "to trip on somebody"
6. "somebody is chased"
7. "somebody is harassed"
8. "I do everything to get a story across"
9. "the promise of another tomorrow"
10. "to give somebody everything inside one heart could find"
11. "to be the agony inside"
12. "he put me under"
13. "every night stance is like taking a chance"
14. "to take somebody under with seven inches in"
15. "to have a hard time feeling within"
16. "got back somebody's feeling chilling, started chilling getting back with it"
17. "don't keep me hanging"
18. "you keep dreaming"
19. "heart always ringing my phone"
20. "when we started dating making, moves on tge single scene"
21. "to be every where lately"
22. "to take somebody higher"
23. "with handicapped emotions"
24. "I'll be your story hero, a serenading ryne"
25. "save me from what still remains, same from the path I'm on"
26. "someone put your hand out"
27. "let us bring salvation back"
28. "say the words, I'll lay them down for you"
29. "over and over again"
30. "our love's in motion, give me a notion"
31. "I love in season"
32. "give me a treason"
33. "baptized in all my tears"
34. "lovely is the feeling now"
35. "heartbreak enemy despise"
36. "kicking me down, I got to get up"
37. "collusions"
38. "your bash abusing victimize within the scheme"
39. "we're gonna ride the boogie"
40. "dance you into day"
Jeśli ktoś zechciałby mi pomóc chociaż z kilkoma punktami byłabym naprawdę wdzięczna.