"Kilka" pytań.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Ok :D
TO również zwrot z piosenki "Now I seem to be every where lately, too much to be coincidentally"
pisownia osobno to blad.
John still cleaves to his romantic ideals.
CO to oznacza?
Johny still continues believe in and be loyal to his romantic ideals, in other words he is naive and callow :)
Sav: go read what I wrote you under "CPE"
UP AGAIN I NEVER LET YOU DOWN -> jak to rozumieć?
to let somebody down - zawieść kogoś
więc never let me down - nigdy mnie nie zawiodl
I never let you down =nigdy cie nie zawiode
As MG said and rightly so, the "chased" is in its ppl in your example but apart form that the "chased" as an adjective - yes.
Bardzo Ci dziękuję :)
>Johny still continues believe in and be loyal to his romantic ideals. (no comma here)

I can improve on this: ...still keeps continuing carrying on with pursuing his believing and being loyal to his...

A simple "sticks/clings to his ..." isn't god enough, I guess.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-45 z 45
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