What's the deal

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
What's the deal? -Co to znaczy?
Można przetłumaczyć to w ten sposób "O co chodzi?" ?
What's the deal?
Co się tutaj dzieje? O co tutaj biega? O co tutaj chodzi?
What's the deal? Where's my money! O co tutaj chodzi? Gdzie moje pieniądze!
może ktoś inny jeszzce coś napisze;)
Dziękuję :)
>What's the deal? -Co to znaczy?
>Można przetłumaczyć to w ten sposób "O co chodzi?" ?

What's up with "O co chodzi?"

What's the deal? = What's the understanding/bargain/agreement/...(in business or elsewhere.)

If you know this much, you will know what the slang deal can mean:

Deal: basic info about something or a person.

What's the deal? = What's the situation?

What's the deal with that/him? = What's the story/situation with that/him?"

What's the deal for tonight? = What the situation for tonight? What are we going to do tonight?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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