znaczenie 'reality bites'

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chcialabym dowiedziec sie czy powiedzenie 'reality bites' jest bardzo kolokwialnie badz tez nawet niestosowne. jest to dla mnie bardzo wazne, gdyz chcialabym zrobic sobie taki tatuaz a nie chce miec do konca zycia doslownego odpowiednika 'life sucks', wolalabym zeby bylo to ujetnie w troche inny sposob.
Nie wiem. Ale w zamian proponuję słynny:
Before I will die
Zawsze to pewien "problemat" gramatyczny...
Fajnie, zachecasz kogos, zeby zrobil sobie tatuaz z niegramatycznym angielskim....ciekawe..bardzo ciekawe...
*Before I will die...to nie jest gramatyczne.
My Dear Watson, your watchfulness never lets you down;)

Well, there's no question your Polish is not worse than a half of teenagers' in our country even though it's actually... fairly bad. I'm sorry. You should work at improving reading comprehension, among other things. Especially at better understanding of irony.


Nevertheless, in my opinion, absolute and complete incorrectness of this phrase is still open to discuss. But if you insist...

P.S. Of course, your Polish it's surely much better than my English.
Why would you expect anyone's tastes to be as lowbrow as yours apparently are?
How sad.
Do you really think that, pakk?
I've thought I've been witty enough to be next Mark Twain or Oscar Wilde.
>>>My Dear Watson, your watchfulness never lets you down;)
...sweetie, I am nobody's Dr. Watson - Sherlock maybe, but better 'agent 007'.

>>>Well, there's no question your Polish is not worse than a half of
teenagers' in our country even though it's actually... fairly bad.

...I have taken this in the spirit in which it was meant - and as for the complement that I 'must' be a teenager, 'cos I talk/write like them'...well, thank you kind Sir, it's been years since anyone thought of me as a teenager (no matter how hard I try). I wouldn't be seen dead with a teenager on my arm and would, in all probability be arrested for cradle snatching ;-)

>>>>You should work at improving reading comprehension, among other
things. Especially at better understanding of irony.
...darling, you wouldn't know IRONY if it bit you on that firm, hard bum of yours.

>>>>>>>this phrase is still 'open to discuss'
...surely you meant 'open to discussion' - don't try and be so darn clever correcting me and then make mistakes yourself. Not quite cricket now, is it?

>>>P.S. Of course, your Polish it's surely much better than my English.
The difference between you and me (not you and I) darling, is that I don't have to impress anyone being at an age where I don't really care...you either 'love me or hate me' - but as the two emotions are comparatively so close together I always assume the former.
Oscar Wilde happens to be one of my favourites...
...you're just trying to kill me with your comments, but 'everyone kills the thing he loves'...
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