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Piszcie, co tam chcecie. Dla mnie to koniec dyskusji. I to nie ja robie wodę z mózgu.
Ja też myślę, że to "locomotor system disorders". Ale na 100% pewna nie jestem.
Czemu sie oburzasz? It seems that in English the terminology is very specific describing a variety of conditions that affect the function of the limbs, as opposed to the phrase in question "schorzenia narzadow ruchu" (which, incidentally, produces ZERO hits in Google). Locomotor disorders or locomotor system disorders are one type in a universe of possible afflictions, but the phrase as shown in Polish is so general that we have to guess what the author means, and ergo, a variety of terms can be considered, depending on the root cause of the dysfunction. Is it neurological? Is it muscular? Is it due to trauma? A congenital defect? others...?
I note belatedly that the inquiry focused in on neurological, so here's a link:[tel]
Na marginesie

w Google mozna znalezc zlowa pisane z KTURY ( U otwarte), CHOCIARZ, etc?

Your suggestions are all slanted towards neurological conditions. "schorzenia narządów ruchu" (320 hits in Google, what were your search terms - narzadow?) refer primarily to conditions of bones, joints and muscles, the emphasis being on non-neurological aetiology.
schorzenia narządów ruchu and schorzenia neurologiczne are set distinctly apart.
That's it, mate.
>Czemu sie oburzasz?

Mam wrażenie, że mg nie tyle się oburza co po prostu brakuje mu siły na tlumaczenie. Prawdopodobnie z racji robienia tłumaczeń medycznym ma trochę większe pojęcie o tym co pisze i nie opiera się wyłącznie na google (gdzie jak słusznie zauważyła Rita można znaleźć wszystko) ale na wcześniejszych doświadczeniach w tłumaczniu i wiedzy - wtedy wiele rzeczy jest po prostu bardziej oczywistych lub naturalnych.
Yes, you are right, a proper search on "schorzenia narządów ruchu" produced 317 hits. However, I note that just about all the hits are related to spa therapies and almost none related to pure and applied medicine, leading mew to assume that this is not really a medical phrase. Indeed, in the link you provide, the Table shows "Uszkodzenia narządów ruchu" , and the text only indicates "schorzenia narządów ruchu - w konsekwencji uszkodzeń ortopedycznych i schorzeń reumatologicznych". This leads me to the conclusion that "schorzenia narządów ruchu" is a colloquial term.
What English equivalent do you suggest now?
If we're speaking unscientifically: probably "limb ailments" which is very general; more scientifically "limb disorders".
No, sir. The Polish term is not as non-scientific as you are leading yourself to believe. We're back to the starting point and I've said all I could.
I have calmed down a bit and I'll try to explain my point once more.
"limb ailments" would correspond to schorzenia kończyn, wouldn't it? So we have two terms in Polish and we should be able to find two terms in English.
You weren't completely wrong in saying that the term in question is non-scientific. It is definitely practical and concerned with abnormalities of the organs of movement and when it is used in a rehabilitation context, the aetiology is unimportant. Having said this, your earlier equivalents were too heavily connected with neurological abnormalities for me to accept them. If a limb disability has its roots in a nervous system pathology, it will not be referred to as "schorzenie narządów ruchu" Accordingly, your earlier equivalents were too brad and "limb ailments" is also too broad in a different way.
Without disrespect, I stand by my opinion. "Diseases of the organs of locomotion" is an antiquated term (Google it and see), imprecise, and not scientific. Furthermore, "organs of locomotion" is a meta-term that applies just as much to snakes' muscles or fish flippers. By the same logic a raccoon is an organ of locomotion because it will discharge at location B the seeds of an apple consumed at location A. Will we apply the phrase "diseased organ of locomotion" if the raccoon becomes ill?

My research shows that just about the only references to "organs of locomotion" with respect to people come from countries whose first language is not English. It is scientific and medically correct to use "limbs" with reference to Homo Sapiens.
Google "locomotor system".
Good night.
"narządy ruchu" also applies to other animals. Should it be dropped because it is inherently imprecise in this language as well?
I take your raccoon spin to be a far-fetched joke and see no sense in reasoning with you any more.
I never disagreed with "locomotor system"; you're on the mark there.
I think I've found a conciliatory solution, but it's too long to be used where brevity is expected, which may be the case with the original question:
diseases of muscles and joints
it's not only about limbs: backache due to a muscle problem would also qualify as choroba narządów ruchu because it restricts one's range of movement
You're on a good track - this one is not as simple as it would appear to be. The podiatric community talks about "lower limb disorders", but, as you say, there's more to it than limbs alone. If we move away from neurological causes, what do you think of "musculoskeletal impairment"? -
sounds more like "dysfunkcje mięśniowo-szkieletowe".
it's too vague and does not include joint conditions.
And why will you flog this horse anyway? Sorry to say that but i can't see any point in continuing this discussion. I was going to writr something but I have erased it, for peace's sake.
>> not include joint conditions.

zdecydowanie obejmuje.
'The musculoskeletal system' obejmuje kosci, stawy, miesnie, sciegna, wiazania.

>sounds more like "dysfunkcje mięśniowo-szkieletowe".

ale ruch (motion) jest zasadniczo rezultatem dzialania tego wlasnie systemu i zwazywszy, ze system ten stanowi ok. 70% calosci ciala, kazde jego dysfunkcja w mniejszym lub wiekszym stopniu ogranicza ruch. Zlamania lokcia, barku, nadgarstka, etc, znacznie ograniczaja zakres ruchu i zdolnosc funkcjonowania osoby, nawet jesli pozostaje w domu (no locomotion).

Jesli polskie znaczenie 'narzady ruchu' ogranicza sie do narzadow odpowiedzialnych za przemieszczanie (chociaz sama nazwa na to nie wskazuje), to 'locomotor system' jest ok. Natomiast jesli znaczenie jest szersze i oznacza po prostu aktywnosc ruchowa to nie.

(Pzzp ma racje mowiac, ze 'locomotor system' jest nieczesto spotykanym terminem, nawet w szpitalach. Jesli tlumaczony tekst jest czescia literatury fachowej i istnieje powod wyodrebnienia 'ukladu lokomocji' z ukladu miesniowo-kostnego to moze powinno sie tak zrobic. Moja propozycja: 'legs'.)
the organs of locomotion

I like this one - nice and clear
>>> not include joint conditions.
>zdecydowanie obejmuje.
>'The musculoskeletal system' obejmuje kosci, stawy, miesnie, sciegna,

... raczej: więzadła

Dobra. Mój błąd. Posunąłem się za daleko.
Mimo wszystko "musculoskeletal impairment" nie jest dobrym odpowiednikiem "schorzeń narządów ruchu". Niech będzie "musculoskeletal conditions".
Małe sprostowanie: "hypoplasia" to niedorozwój, ale "aplasia" to wrodzony brak narządu.
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