Prosze pomuszcie mi, PLISS

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć!! Bardzo prosze o pomoc. Pliiss sprawdzicie mi to.

One of the most problem in the wortd is environment pollution. People destroy forest, kill animals and build enormus factory. Disappear the rain forest is a big problem. Logging companies destroy tree and kill animals. If we didn't stop them, animals which live in rain forest disapear. They could destroy us all! Trees produce oxygen, which is one of our most basic needs. A big problem in city is pollution air. People use a car too aften. Traffic car is very larg. In my opinion leader of country should ban cars becouse them very pollute air. Air pollution causes acid rain, which kills trees and plants. Pollution water is too problem. In many parts of the world people don't have any clean water to drink. We use water for drinking, washing up, watering garden and of ourse for living.
All in all, I think we can save water from our bathes and use it for the garden. We should walk more often, use a bicycle or public transport. If we want protect a rainforest, we must make the loggingcompanies plant new trees.

To na tyle, Miał to być tekst o ochronie środowiska, miały być w nim przedstawione 3 problemy i na końcu pomysły jak mozemy je zwalczyć. Licze na was że mi pomożecie i to szybko bo tekst musze oddać jutro, Dobrze, że ide na 10 to zdąże sobie rano przepisać.
a sam to pisałeś czy jakiś programik ci pomógł co??
Troszkę Ci to poprawiłem.

One of the main problems in the word is pollution of the environment. People destroy forest, kill animals, and build enormous factories. Cutting the rainforests is a big problem. Logging companies cut tree and kill
animals. If we didn't stop them, animals which live in rain forest would
disappear. They can destroy us all! Trees produce oxygen, which is
one of our most basic needs. A big problem in city is air pollution.
People use a car too often. Car traffic is very high. In my opinion
leaders of countries should ban cars because they pollute air. Air
pollution causes acid rains, which kill trees and plants. Water pollution is a problem, too. In many parts of the world people don't have any
water to drink. We use water for drinking, washing up, watering
garden and of course for living.
All in one, I think we can save water from our bathes and use it for
the gardens. We should walk more often, use a bicycle or public
transport. If we want to protect rainforests, we must make the
logging companies plant new trees.
pomozcie..... a nie pomuszcie.... jak sam ten tekst pisales to dobrze ze w ang jestes lepszy...
Pisałem sam, nio może z pomocą podręcznika...
człowieku naucz się najpierw języka polskiego a ftedy mosze Ci pomoszemy heheh !!!
Wielkie dzięki za pomoc! Sorki za błędy, niestety jestem tylko człowiekiem i czasami je popełniam...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.