przyzwyczajenia żywieniowe po ang,pomocy !!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam przygotować speeking po angielsku na temat przyzwyczajeń żywieniowych.Nie jestem dobra ztego języka,a muszę mieć to przygotowane.Proszę o pomoc,jakbyście to napisalli,mając podane takie pytania (jak na maturze):
1.What are your eating habits?
2.How do you think peoples eating habits might effect their health?
3.How can you avoid developing bad eating habits?

Proszę o pomoc !!!Z góry dzięki.
Napisałam coś takiego ,tylko nie wiem czy to wystarczy no i nie jestem pewna poprawności gramatycznej.
1.I usually eat my meals in my house with all family.My breakfast i eat in house and in school.This are a sandwiches with a ham,cucumber and cheese and something to drink,for example:milk,tea or cacao.For my dinner,i eat soup and second meal.This is a meat with potatoes or rise and soup of vegetables.My dessert this is ice cream ir fresh fruits.For my supper i eat usually sandwiches or for example:spaghetti.I think,that my eating habits are healthy for my health.
2.I think,that people's eating habits might effect their health.A lot of people eat in a bars or fast food(?),where the food is fattening,too salty and too fat.This all influde bad their health.People eat there,because food for their is delicious and they can speed eat.People,who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables are healthier and they havent problems of health.
3.I can avoid developing bad eating habits.I should speek with people to they eat helathier and delicious.Ican invite my friends to restaurant to they see how can eat besser.I should eat moreover vegetables,fruits and fisch and less a fast food.
Macie jeszcze jakies pomysły,co można by było dodać ?
Proszę o spr i wychwycenie blędow.
1.I usually eat my meals in my house with all (tu brakuje albo 'the' albo 'my') family.My breakfast 'i' (co to slowo znaczy, bo tak jego nie piszemy po ang. Popraw) eat in (brak prxzedimka) house and in school. 'This' (ale jak dajesz l. mn. 'sandwiches' to chyba i8naczej) are 'a' (nie dajemy 'a' przed l. mnoga) sandwiches with a ham, cucumber and cheese and something to drink, for example:milk,tea or 'cacao' (nie za bardzo - tak tego nie piszmy po ang).For my dinner, i' (popraw) eat soup and 'second' (zle pojecie - mowimy 'main' meal. This is 'a' (niepotr) meat with potatoes or 'rise' (poporaw, slowo 'rise' znaczy podwyszyc) and 'soup of vegetables' vegetable soup). My dessert 'this is' (niepotr) IS ice cream 'ir' (ortog) fresh fruits. For my supper 'i' |(popraw) 'eat usually' (zla kol slow) sandwiches or for example: spaghetti.
2. A lot of people eat in 'a' (dlaczego dajesz to 'a' przed l.mnoga jak wiesz ze tak nie robimy) bars or fast food,where the food is fattening, too salty and too fat. This all 'influde' (ortog( ale tutaj pomieszalas slow...has a bad....) bad their health. People eat there,because food for 'their' (nie, przypomnij sobie 'them, a 'their') is delicious and they can 'speed eat' (nie, najpierw 'eaat' a pozniej jak, tutaj 'szybko). People,who eat a lot of 'fruits' FRUIT and vegetables are healthier and they 'havent' (napisz to w calosci a pozniej dostosuj do ang gramatyki) problems WITH 'of' THEIR health.
3. I should 'speek' (ortog) with people (tu brakuje SO THAT ) 'to' (niepotr) they eat 'helathier' (ortog) and 'delicious' (ale delicious CO?) . I can invite my friends to (brak przedimka) restaurant to 'they' (co to slowo tu robi?) see how THEY can eat 'besser' (ortog) .I should eat 'moreover' (zle slowo) vegetables, fruits and 'fisch' (chyba uczysz sie niemieckiego) and less 'a' (niepotr) fast food.

Proszę o spr i wychwycenie blędow.[/quote]
dzieki,juz poprawiam.a co do tego niemieckiego,to tak ucze sie i jest to moj lepszy jezyk,dlatego niekiedy te pomylki ;ddzieki jeszzcze raz ;d


Pomoc językowa