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Cześć, mam za dwa dni egzamin językowy na wyjazd na Erasmusa i muszę przygotować krótką prezentację o sobie, swojej uczelni i kraju, do którego chciałbym pojechać. Czy moglibyście mi pomóc i sprawdzić, czy nie narobiłem za dużo rażących byków?? Dzięki wielkie :):)

My name is Andrzej/Andrew but a lot of my friends call me ENDRJU. I was born the fifteenth of October 1989 so I am 22 years old. I’m studying here, in Rzeszów but I come from XXXXX. It’s small but beautiful village near YYYYY, on halfway between Krakow and Rzeszow. I live with my parents, two sisters and four brothers. Whole my family is fantastic. I never get bored with them. I’ve got one dog and two cats. I like playing with my pets. Generally I like all animals of each species, with exception of snakes. I fear them.

You see how I look, so I’m not describing myself now. Maybe I’m telling something about my personality. I think I'm a positive person. Lots of people allege that I'm shy and cautious. It’s not true. Ok, I’m quiet, calm or sometimes not self-confident but only for people who don’t know me well. My friends, family know that I’m cheerful, easy-going, friendly, hard-working, loyal, patient and honest. This honesty, unfortunately isn’t always perceived in a positive way by other people. But I think that everyone should be sincere and truthful with other person and tell it what does he think about particular situation. I can be talkative, sometimes too much. My another disadvantages are obstinacy, forgetfulness and pessimism. I try to fight it as I can. I really work on myself.

I don’t have any special hobbies such as: collecting stamps or practicing sports. I, simply, like to do many things when I’ve a free time. And when I’ve that spare time I’m always trying to spend it in a best possible way. I hang out with my friends once a week. Then we go to the cinema, disco or parties. When I’m at home I usually read books, watch TV, films (but only if the cast is good) or do crossword puzzles. When I was young I liked playing sport best, especially volleyball. I used to play it but now I don’t have much spare time because I’m working and studying so I’m concerned on learning. I also like spending time with my family at the barbecue or meetings. I like doing a lot of things, however my main interest is music and computer. The computer is my window to the world. I really like to chat and meet different people. I often meet people there, from whom I learn many interesting facts. And last but not least – photography. When I’ve a free time I like making photos.But I’ve never thought about it as my hobby. I like taking pictures once in a while, usually in summer when I go to some interesting place.

I’m studying at Rzeszów University of Technology. I’m studying two faculties: management and logistics. Sequentially in the third and second year. This college takes its name by Ignacy Łukasiewicz who was a scientist, inventor, chemist and a businessman. He invented the oil lamp, created the oil industry in Poland and was an activist for independence. Łukasiewicz was the first person in the world, which took advantage of oil. He was very efficient organizer, and he finally made his large fortune. He was also a great community leader. He promoted the establishment of companies, building roads and bridges, schools, hospitals, etc., by funding several initiatives of his own pocket. He struggled with poverty and alcoholism in the region, made non-contributory pension fund for his workers. All his life he was related to Podkarpackie province, and he did much of the region. He is considered one of his biggest benefactors of Podkarpacie.

University was founded in 1951 and currently has 6 faculties and 26 specializations. These are mainly economic and technical fields of study. It’s also the only university in Poland, where are trained pilots in civil aviation. The university has about 15,000 students. I must say that I’ve met there a lot of nice, smart and interesting people, not only students but also teachers. This university is known for its high standard of teaching and lecturers, which are very skilled, well-read and demanding.

Which country did I choose? I chose Belgium and Turkey. Why?
In general, we hear that the time spent studying abroad is full of unforgettable experiences and impressions adventure. It's like a fun amusement park - every corner waiting for you new, unusual surprise. Leaving to the Erasmus everyone expects that he experiences something new. The new place is a new life. Therefore, exotic countries still enjoy the greatest interest. If we want experience adventure we’ll look a place, which will be managed to amaze us. In the era of low-cost airlines, we can get to Berlin, Bonn and Prague - it is now for us, "something normal". These cities are similar to Warsaw, Poznan and Rzeszow. So most of students chose universities which are on the south of Europe. So friends of mine, who also want to participate in Erasmus Exchange, want to go to Turkey to relax on the beaches, play and get to know about Turkish culture. They urge me to go with them and I agreed. But ,to be honest, I’d like to go to Belgium. It’s a small country in western Europe, but has a great, wonderful history, culture and a lot to offer. Official languages are Dutch and French, but everyone speaks English too. From this country comes chips, chocolates, comics (Smurfs, Lucky Luke).
What were my main criteria for the selection of this country: an opportunity to know new cultures and people, learning a language (English and Dutch), the location of the country, life in this country, events and expenses. Belgium is a great cauldron of all cultures and nationalities, quite different than Poland. Belgium is very nicely located, because you can visit not only it but also other countries: France, Netherlands, Germany or Luxembourg. Everywhere is so close. So you go to one state and you’ll have the opportunity to visit four countries. So you go to one state and you have the opportunity to visit four countries. That's all a theory which I was able to read and see on the map. About everything else I want to know and see when I go to Belgium.


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