Turyści - opis

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Porszę o sprawdzenie i o korektę jeśli bedziecie mieć czas

dziekuję jeśli ktos poświeci swój czas, ja tez załuje ze doba ma TYLKO 24 godzin


the dosmestic tourists usually go in the mountains (the Bieszczady Mountains,
the Tatras, the Pieniny Mountains, the Sudetes)and at the Baltic Sea or Masuria.

Waiting for them as attraction as (czekają na nich takie atrakcje jak):
hiking on the trail, sightseeing caves, waterfalls, montain spring and brooklet.

They can flow down the Danube on the raft, sail on the solinski lake, visit castles
in the Czestochowa an Niedzica, go sightseeing the Zakopane (the winter capital of Poland)
which is rich in many monuments.

At the seaside (as well as Masuria which is rich in many lakes jak i na mazurach botege w liczne
jeziora) tourists can sunbathe on the beach, swim, sail, do wintersurf, as well as (oraz) water sports
go sightseeing many monuments e.g. the castle in the Malbork, Sopot Pier, sea lamp post

The foreign tourists usually come to big towns: Warsaw, Cracoe and Wroclaw.
They come form as countries as (takich krajów jak) Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan.

In the Warsaw they usually visit the Satre Miasto, Warsaw's Palace of Culture and Science, Powstancow Warszawy
Muzeum, Lazienki Park.

In the Cracow: Wawel, Mariacki Market?????, Sukiennice, KOściuszko mound (kopiec kośćiuszki?)
and many historic churches

In the Wroclaw: Panorama of the Raclawice, Wroclaw hall (rynrk z ratuszem?), National Muzeum,
botanical garden, folk hall (hala ludowa?)
Pierwsza połowa może tak:

Domestic tourists usually go to the mountains (the Bieszczady Mountains,
the Tatras, the Pieniny, the Sudetes)and to the Baltic Sea or Mazurian.

Nice attractions are waiting for the visitors, such as (czekają na nich takie atrakcje jak):
hiking, caves sightseeing , waterfalls and brooklets.

They can flow down the Danube(od kiedy dunaj płynie przez Polskę?) on the raft, sail across Solinski Lake, visit castles
in Czestochowa and Niedzica, visit Zakopane (the winter capital of Poland)

At the seaside tourists can sunbathe on the beach, swim, sail, windsurf, there are also water sports available.
Tourists may also see many national monuments the Castle in Malbork for instance.

"Sopot Pier, sea lamp post" - co autor miał na myśli?
edytowany przez calf: 19 maj 2011
dziękuję bardzo za poświęcony czas

chodziło mi o sopockie molo i morską latarnię ;)


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