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Action on ban the arms trade.
Do you know that many people from all over the world use weapons illegal? They buy it on black market.
This is a huge problem for safety another people.
We must act quickly!
We are writing petition to officials. If you want you join to us and sign the petition.
Together we can more!
Action on 'ban' (cos tu nie tak, pomysl i popraw) the arms trade.
Do you know that many people from all over the world use weapons 'illegal' (popraw)? They buy 'it' (ale przeciez weapons to l. mnoga) on (przedimek) black market.
This is a huge problem for (przedimek) safety (brak slowa) 'another' (zle slowo) people.
We are writing (przedimek) petition to officials. If you want you (modal) join 'to' (niepotr) us and sign the petition.
...Together we can more!...To zdanie niema sensu, popraw
Poprawione. Wszystko ok?
Action on banned the arms trade
Action on ban the arms trade.
Do you know that many people from all over the world use weapons illegally? They buy them on a black market.
This is a huge problem for a safety life other people.
We must act quickly!
We are writing a petition to officials. If you want, you can join us and sign the petition.
We are organising a raffle. All money will go to charities that compaign against the arms trade.
Day of action: 4th April
Together we can do more!
Poprawione. Wszystko ok? NIE, nie za bardzo, ale juz prawie...

Action on 'banned' (nie, popracuj nad tym) the arms trade
Action on 'ban' (popracuj) the arms trade.

They buy them on 'a' (zly przedimek) black market.
This is a huge problem for 'a' (nie - tutaj zaczynasz zgadywac, ale lepiej sprawdzic jak to ma byc niz zawsze zgadywac, czy nie?) safety 'life' (nie, nie o to slowo chodzilo...) other people.
All money will go to charities that 'compaign' (ortog) against the arms trade.
Action against the arms trade
Do you know that many people from all over the world use weapons illegally? They buy them on the black market.
This is a huge problem for the safety life other people.
We must act quickly!
We are writing a petition to officials. If you want, you can join us and sign the petition.
We are organising a raffle. All money will go to charities that campaign against the arms trade.
Day of action: 4th April
Together we can do more!

Zmieniłam trochę nagłówek, bo naprawde nie mogę dojść co z tym 'ban'. Co do przedimków zawsze miałam z tym problem, a co do tego 'safety' nie mam pojęcia co tam wstawić :(


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie