Ogromna prośba o pomoc w rozwiązaniu zadań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Complete the questions.
1. ...........Do............... you have a rash ypur back?
2. ........................... the headaches worse at night?
3. ............................ I going to die?
4. .............................. you feeling better today?
5. .............................. the sleeping tablet work last night?
6. ..............................your husband coming to take your home?
7. .............................. you going home tomorrow?
8. .............................. the consultant seen you yet?
9. ............................... you move your fingers?
10. .................................your arm feel any better this morning?

2. Add a question tag to the ststements to make questions.
1. He is stopped coughing. ......hasn't he.....?
2. We finish our shift at eight o'clock............................?
3. Those painkillers are veryeffective. .................................?
4. He isn't any better......................?
5. You don't drink tea or coffe.....................?
6. I have to give him this medication twice a day,...................?
7. There's not much improvemet,.......................?
8. You can see the swelling........................?

3. Complete the questions in the dialogue.
Nurse When did the symptoms first appear? (the symptoms/first appear)
Patient About a year ago.
Nurse Why.......................................................(you/not come) to see me?
Patient All the time I wasn't very worried
Nurse And...............................................(the symptoms/get worse)?
Patient Yes, they started to get worse about a month ago
Nurse I see, and..................................................(you/take) any medication since then?
Patient I went to see a homeopath and he prescribed these pills.
Nurse I see............................................(you/can open) your mouth wide and say 'ah'?
Patient Ah
Nurse Good, and.........................................(what/happen) when you took the pills?
Patient Ths rash appeared..........................(you/ can see) in on my back?
Nurse Yes I see, so.................................(there/was) any improvement when you took the pills?
Patient No
Nurse I see, and.................(you still have) stomach aches?
Patient Yes
Nurse ............................(you still taking) the homeopathic medicine?
Patients No I stopped when the rash appeared.
Fill the gaps, please...


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