proszę o sprawdzenie- łatwy list motywacyjny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie krótkiego listu motywacyjnego dotyczącego uczestnictwa w kursie.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to apply for a Chemistry Enhancement Course at our London Metropolitian University which I saw advertised in 'New Scientist' of 30th January.
I am a student of electrical engineering at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. I am particularly interested in this course because I love to work with children so I want a career teaching Chemistry in secondary school but my experience and qualifications for position of a teacher are insufficient today.
I pasionate about science and I want to know more about Chemistry, Physics and Biology and develop specialist knowledge about that. I want to know a new people and eductonal system. I am patient, friendly, well organised and I have excellent communication skills. I would like to try my abilities and realize it in secondary school. I belive that I am well-suited to a career in teaching and I keen to work in this field.
I think that your university is very good and lecturers have high qualifications so your course would give me an excellent basics for future occupational career. I am available to start the course as soon as possible. I prefer a two-week intensive course, in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. I can be contacted at the above address or on 42[tel]at any time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Z góry dziękuje :)
Ja bym pozmieniał, przy okazji upnę i może ktoś jeszcze poprawi (w tym mnie jeśli taka potrzeba).

,,I love to work with children''
I love working with children

,,so I want a career teaching Chemistry'' - to jakoś dziwnie brzmi, może lepiej:
so I want to take up teaching Chemistry/ so I want to start a Chemistry teaching career

,, I keen to work in this field.''
I am keen to work in this field (keen to przymiotnik; be keen on doing; be keen to do


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie