pretty cool & "I was like"

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Well, you know me. I'm always here for you.

Boy, was I rhyming today! All rights reserved. You won't find it anywhere.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 22 sie 2012
For example, 'średnicomierz sortujący' appears to be conveniently translated as 'go-no-go gage'
(my favourite example of highbrow Polish terminology, though, is medical: 'gate theory' (see respective Wikipedia entry) was once rendered as teoria kontrolowanego przepustu rdzeniowego).
mg, will it ever wear off, the stuff you know :?
'rotten woody pieces are those that look punky and can be easily kicked apart'
I had to find this original definition in a paper from 1974 since the Polish author translated it in his work. The Internet is helpful.
edytowany przez mg: 22 sie 2012
>>was once rendered as teoria kontrolowanego przepustu rdzeniowego).

Oh moly, what was that?:)
From where I'm sitting it still has to do with microcephaly. Though again, I'm no brainiac.
All right gentlemen. It was nice talking.. you know, like flapping you know, like shooting the bull.
I have to go ( not to pull the plug)
cheers, Sav, see ya later
Cytat: argazedon
Potoczna mowa a niechlujna mowa to różnica.
Co do meritum to z tego co ja pamiętam, takie połączenia "pretty" są kolokwializmem. Mamy przecież "quite", "rather", "nearly" do opisu różnych sytuacji, nieprawdaż ?

No i obok quite, rather i nearly jest tez pretty, nie wiem w czym ono mialoby byc gorsze?
niniejsza rozmowa jest na tak niskim poziomie co stanowi dowód na to kto przesiaduje na tym forum ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-39 z 39
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