Description of my friend - please, check it :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The girl that I am going to describe is called Kate Jefferson. I first met her five years ago when she came to my flat. 'Hello,' she said diffidently. 'My name is Kate. I am your new neighbur.' We started talking and were soon the best of friends.
Kate is a very beautiful girl in her early twenties. I still admite her apperance and tell her about the career of model. She is tallish and slim person with large blue eyes. Her carefully-styled hair is very long, blonde and wavy. On her face there are dimples and a few beauty spots. Kate likes wearing spohisticated clothes such as colourful, patterned shirts and high-heeled shoes.
Kate's personality is an interesting mixture of contrasts. She is a sociable person who loves meeting people. What is more, my friend likes working hard. On the other hand, she tends to be bossy because she likes telling people what to do.
In her free time, Kate loves dancing and singing. She enjoys English waltz and tango. Kate is a great singer, too, and she prefers singing rock songs.
All in all, life is never dull when Kate is around. Wht should I do, if I didn't meet such a kind person?

Jak oceniacie moją pracę? Jakieś wskazówki? Bardzo byłabym wdzięczna :)
The girl that I am going to describe is called Kate Jefferson. I first met her five years ago when she came to my flat. 'Hello', she said diffidently. 'My name is Kate. I am your new neighbur'. We started talking and were soon the best of friends.

Kate is a very beautiful girl in her early twenties. I still admite (sadze, ze zwyczajnie pomylilas przyciski 't' i 'r' sa tuz obok:)) her apperance and tell her about the career of model . She is A tallish and slim person with large blue eyes. Her carefully-styled hair is very long, blonde and wavy. On her face (ja bym dal to na koniec zdania) there are dimples and a few beauty spots. Kate likes wearing spohisticated clothes such as colourful, patterned (to bym dal albo bez przecinka, albo polaczyl hyphenem) shirts and high-heeled shoes.
Kate's personality is an interesting mixture of contrasts (jakich? warto byloby wymienic:)). She is a sociable person who loves meeting people. What is more, my friend likes working hard. (przed tym zdaniem dobrze byloby cos dac do kontrastu). On the other hand, she tends to be bossy, because she likes telling people what to do.
In her free time, Kate loves dancing and singing. She enjoys English waltz and tango. Kate is a great singer too, and she prefers singing rock songs.
All in all, life is never dull when Kate is around. What should I do if I didn't meet such a kind person?

Praca niezla. Troszke literowek. Sprawdz tez, jakich innych konstruksji gramatycznych mozna uzyc przy opisie czegos, azeby nie laczyc zdania tylko przez 'and'. To jest ok. Ale mozna urozmaicic.
Np. as well as, though, altthough, despite. Concessive clauses by Ci tu pomogly.

Niech spojrza na to, bardziej doswiadczone wilki, sam sie ucze, tak jak Ty.
What should I do if I didn't meet such a kind person?
Cytat: fui_eu
What should I do if I didn't meet such a kind person?

masz racje trzeba cofnac czasy, mowi o przeszlosci.

what should I've done, If I hadn't met...
what would I've done, If I hadn't met...

thank you fui for enlightening me:)

Dzięki wielkie :) Tak, to były literówki spowodowane szybkim pisaniem. Pozdrawiam!


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