sprawdzenie esej 'women vs. men'

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Are women better teachers than men?

Nowadays a matter of considerable controversy is the matter of who is better teachers: men or women.More and more people promote a sexual equality. Women want work in male proffesion and vice versa. While i believe that women are better teachers than men.
Firstly, women are more patient. Teacher should have a calm to pupils who have a problem with studying and slowly understand new knowledge. Men aremore quick-tempred and more often they shout.
Secondly, thanks to a maternal instinct, woman make a affectionate relationship with their students. Pupil should know that a shoolmaster likes them, that teacher understands their problems and helps solve them. Men do not show emotion and are less sympathetic.
What is more, scientists state that for women career accomplishment is not as improtant as for men. They are not materialists so they can devote oneself to work without regard for salary. Ror men crucial are competition, authority, succes, hierarchy and domination.
In addition to women are more fair. Men often attract attention for apperance because they are visualizers.
On the other hand, boy have better contact with men. Teaher is their authority, whose young people very need. This is an important argument but is not sufficient to refute the idea that women are better teachers.
To sum up, it can be seen that women are better teachers than men bacause of their personality. They are more polite, patient, kind but exacting.
Nowadays a matter of considerable controversy is the matter of who 'is' (to ma sie zgadzac z teachers-l.mn) better teachers: men or women.More and more people promote 'a' (po co to) sexual equality. Women want (brak slowa) work in male' proffesion' (ortog - sprawdxzaj slowa w slowniku jak nie wiesz jak sie je pisze, zadna to dla mnie przyjemnosc poprawiac bledy ortog) and vice versa. While 'i' (caluy swiat to pisze duza litera, a ty mala, dlaczego) believe that women are better teachers than men.
Teacher should 'have a' (zle slowa) calm to pupils who have a problem with studying and slowly understand new knowledge. Men aremore quick-'tempred' (ortog) and more often they shout.
Secondly, thanks to a maternal instinct, (cos brak) woman 'make' (zle slowo) a affectionate relationship with' their' (dlaczego dajesz woman-l. poj a pozniej their-l. mn) students.(cos brak) pupil should know that a shoolmaster likes them, that (cos brak) teacher understands their problems and helps solve them.
What is more, scientists state that for women career accomplishment is not as improtant as for men. (sexist or what) They are not materialists so they can devote 'oneself' (zle slowo) to work without regard for salary. For men 'crucial are competition, authority,' succes'(ortog- co to jest), hierarchy and domination (daj tutaj ...are crucial).
Men often 'attract attention' (zle)' for' (zle slowo) apperance because they are visualizers.
On the other hand,(cos brak) boy have better contact with men. (cos brak no i znowu ortog)Teaher is their authority, 'whose' (zle slowo) young people very need.


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