Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi

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Temat: While shopping in a supermarket, you notice someone stealing goods. You have been asked to report as a witness

Two days ago I was buying some products for a dinner in a supermarket. When I was choosing mashrooms I saw a man who behaving suspiciously. He wore black clothes like typical thief. The man was wearing a track suit and a cap. He was tall and strong. I noticed that the man was constantly looking around which called my attention. I was observing him for a while but then I had to go to the checkout. When I bent down to pick up a cucumber because that fell out of my hand I saw that thief hiding under a sweatshirt a small device of the electronic board. I said that seller about it. He asked me to call the police so I did it. When the police arrived the thief was still in the shop. When he saw the police, he started to run but they caught him.
Two days ago I was buying some products for 'a' (niepotrz) dinner in a supermarket. When I was choosing (moze lepiej: WAS PICKING OVER/THROUGH) mashrooms (przecinek) I saw a man who (cos brak) behaving suspiciously. He wore black clothes like (brak czegos) typical thief (daj moze: LIKE A SHOPLIFTER). The man was wearing a 'track suit' (napisz razem) and a cap. He was tall and 'strong' WELL-BUILT. I noticed that the man was constantly looking around (przecinek) which called my attention. I was observing him for a while (przecinek) but then I had to go to the checkout. When I bent down to pick up a cucumber because that fell/DROPPED out of my hand (przecinek) I saw that thief hiding 'under 'a' HIS sweatshirt' (daj na koniec zdania) a small device of the electronic board. I said that TO THE seller about it = I SAID IT TO THE SELLER. He asked me to call the police, so I did it AS I WAS TOLD TO. When the police arrived the thief was still in the shop. When he saw the police, he started to run (przecinek) but they caught him.
edytowany przez grudziu: 18 gru 2012
Cytat: grudziu
Two days ago I was buying some products for 'a' (niepotrz) dinner in a supermarket. When I was choosing (moze lepiej: WAS PICKING OVER/THROUGH) mashrooms (przecinek) I saw a man who (cos brak) behaving suspiciously. He wore black clothes like (brak czegos) typical thief (daj moze: LIKE A SHOPLIFTER). The man was wearing a 'track suit' (napisz razem) and a cap. He was tall and 'strong' WELL-BUILT. I noticed that the man was constantly looking around (przecinek) which called my attention. I was observing him for a while (przecinek) but then I had to go to the checkout. When I bent down to pick up a cucumber because that fell/DROPPED out of my hand (przecinek) I saw that thief hiding 'under a sweatshirt' (daj na koniec zdania) a small device of the electronic board. I said that TO seller about it = I SAID IT TO THE SELLER. He asked me to call the police, so I did it AS I WAS TOLD TO. When the police arrived the thief was still in the shop. When he saw the police, he started to run (przecinek) but they caught him.

dzięki wielkie ;)
Dokonalem jeszcze dwoch zmian. Mam nadzieje, ze spostrzezesz roznice ;)
Seller?.... which called my attention...said it to the seller
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 gru 2012
Cytat: fui_eu
Seller?.... which called my attention...said it to the seller

Dobrze, to dajmy:

storekeeper/shopkeeper. Better?
edytowany przez grudziu: 18 gru 2012
call sb's attention = bring sb's attention = przywolac czyjas uwage
edytowany przez grudziu: 18 gru 2012
say sth to sb
You don't speak like that in the area you're living in?
Mowimy I /have/ mentioned it to... albo I told ... about it. /np/ Nigdy said w takim kontekscie.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 gru 2012
Cytat: fui_eu
Mowimy I /have/ mentioned it to... albo I told ... about it. /np/ Nigdy said w takim kontekscie.

Through your posts we can learn about many differences between British English and English spoken across the pond :)

'She said nothing to me about it'

Source: Oxford dict.
I had no idea it's that big of a difference.
oj, jak fajnie ten Oxford podaje - szkoda ze troche to nie jest tak jak powinno byc.
Wg mnie...You did not say anything to me about it.
Let's stick to the context, I still think I SAID IT TO THE SELLER is wrong.
Cytat: fui_eu
Let's stick to the context, I still think I SAID IT TO THE SELLER is wrong.

Pewnie ze jest zle. Kto to takie dziwactwa wymyslil. Powinno byc...I TOLD the sales assistant....
@ terri- you really should stop butting in...grudziu was conducting a tutorial on the differences between BrE and AmE. He's the best authority on the forum. Didn't anyone tell you?

Best of the seaon to you!
Exactly. Your post is dog's bollocks and I'm not off my trolley saying that ;)
edytowany przez grudziu: 19 gru 2012
very funny
Siuniab might actually be coming to Poland some day.
Care to go and spit that shite of yours in her face?
Cytat: mg
very funny
Siuniab might actually be coming to Poland some day.
Care to go and spit that shite of yours in her face?

Why not? In informal language we don't use Shakespearean langauge.
Before I forget. I once told you that I hang your offensive comments, which are told to me pretty often. I have been trying to be friendly for some time, but you are still giving me the rough side of my tongue as if I was your son. Thought we have already patched things up with one another, and you proved me wrong.
edytowany przez grudziu: 19 gru 2012
I have children ....I know how foolish they can be.
My teenage son frequently needs reminding that he has a great deal more to learn. He seems to think he knows everything, when in fact, he know very little.
A wiser person would understand this and would conduct himself with more humility.
I admire your zest and passion for learning.
I laud your desire to want to help others.
Unfortunately, you are still learning. Your mastery of English is far from complete.
You need to conduct yourself more like a student and less like an authority on the language in your interactions with others.
It's irritating when your gaps of knowledge lead others astray. Occassionally, people point this out to you. I know I'm not the first.
You can still make a meaningful contribution to the forum without implying to others that you know more than you do.
It's okay to give a "qualified" answer, or to be unsure.
You're here to learn and there are some wonderful people prepared to help you reach your goals (mg, engee, terri, ewa...sorry too many to list).
Nie badz dupkiem. :)
Don't react to what I've written....instead, think about what I (and others) am/are trying to tell you.
Best of the season to you and your family.
Thank you for a meaningful comment. It's all true what you've written. I'v been doing English for only two years and a half. This is a really short spell of time to become a proficient speaker - unless you're a superhuman or whoever. Give or take, two years ago I emigrated to England without knowing English. I couldn't understand a word produced by a Brit. At the time the languages which I could communicate were Russian, and French a little. How did I communicate with the English? I knew many English words, but I didn't know how to build up a full sentence out of the words I knew; that's why the minority I used to hobnob with was the Poles living in England, and I didn't like the idea, but I had to do that to get by one way or the other. As time passed by, the situation changed. I started to spend more and more time among native speakers of English. A bigger part of them consisted of uneducated people (some of them were blue-collars workers and they spoke the best English), which considerably had its influence on me. I have been learning English ever since I realized I couldn't stay in the country, amongst the people with whom I didn't have a word; therefore Having I have retaken Matura exam, submitted my documents and started studying that language. I go to many friends in England (and there is also one family in Scotland) several times a year. I've never had it in mind to conduct myself as an authority on the forum, on the contrary, my 'input' concerned the things I thought I had knowledge of and which were 'less advanced' to know. You said that I was implying to forum people that I knew more that I did, which I must disagree with. Sometimes I am afraid of writing some phrases that you, older people may not know or have heard before. And believe me, I used to hear lots of them and some were really 'ugly'. `

The problem with me is that I've always be overzealous, that is to say, I demand too much from myself, it's ingrained, deep-rooted inside of me. Some people say it's an asset, some don't.

Siunab, thank you once again. Be sure I took it to heart what you said. May beautiful moments
and happy memories surround you with joy this Christmas :-)

have been*; having retaken Matura exam*

too fast tapping ;)
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 gru 2012
Ok, ok, I will self-correct myself.

Thank you for a meaningful comment. It's all true what you've written. I'v been doing English for only two years and a half. This is a really short spell of time to become a proficient speaker - unless you're a superhuman or whoever. I emigrated to England, give or take, two years ago, without/not knowing English. Usually all beginnings are difficult, so I couldn't understand a word produced by a Brit. At the time the languages which I could communicate were Russian, and French a little. How did I communicate with the English? I knew many English words, but I didn't know how to build up a full sentence out of the words I knew; that's why the minority I used to hobnob with was the Poles living in England, and I didn't like the idea, but I had to do that to get by one way or the other. As time passed by, the situation changed. I started to spend more and more time among native speakers of English, a bigger part of which consisted of uneducated people (some of them were blue-collars workers and they spoke the best English), which had a considerable influence on me. I have been learning English ever since I realized I couldn't stay in the country, amongst the people with whom I didn't have a word; therefore Having retaken Matura exam, I submitted my documents and started studying that language. I go to many English friends (and there is also one family in Scotland) several times a year. I've never had it in mind to conduct myself as an authority on the forum, on the contrary, my 'input' concerned the things I thought I had knowledge of, and which were 'less advanced' to know I guess. You said that I was implying to forum people that I knew more that I did, which I must disagree with. Sometimes I am afraid of writing some phrases that you, older people, may not know or have heard before, I'm not a teenage boy though. And believe me, I used to hear lots of them and some are really ugly.

The problem with me is that I've always been overzealous, that is to say, I tend to demand too much from myself, it's ingrained, deep-rooted inside of me. I was born that way. Some people say it's an asset, some don't.

I self-corrected myself in order not to get bollocked (sorry for langauge). This was the only reason.
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 gru 2012
Once when searching through some old posts written, I drew some conclusions from its content. Namely, some people, no matter what people I mean right now, were making mistakes, but the atmosphere on the forum, I mean the ambience, was more relaxed so to speak. I was struck by the torrents of words you used to be bombarded with in the shape of Sav. (Sav, I'm being friendly here, let's don't bear a grudge against me, ok). Long, bursting at the seams because of lots of advanced vocab monologues given by him was 'adornment' of the forum owing to 'torrential' and 'live' language, and not artificial and overformal.

My case is an exemplar of a man with injured pride, but I don't have an overinflated ego. I am a typical man. I hate doing the shopping, even if my wallet is 'bulky'.
I ask for forbearance, especially our ladies. Cheers.
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 gru 2012
Cytat: grudziu
Once when searching through some old posts written, I drew some conclusions from its content .... I'm being friendly

I got a couple of old stinky socks that would make a perfect Christmas stocking you can hang on your Christmas tree. You let me know and I can have them gift-wrapped for you right away.
Is it ‘loose enough’ to make ‘now’ forum to be the same as it was before?

Consider it my best Xmas wish . I’m sorry I can’t do any better but at least I’m not faking it. I’m being friendly too. ( “being” friendly” may actually mean it’s otherwise)
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: grudziu
( “being” friendly” may actually mean it’s otherwise)

I'd be chuffed to bits if it wasn't that case, because you're really reet, and your texts are quite mint, you're a mint man, and I'm not trippin here.
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