prosze o sprawdzenie mojego tlumaczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam od czasu do czasu mam do zrobienia na zajecia tlumaczenie tekstu z jezyka rosyjskiego na angielski. Chcialabym prosic o sprawdzenie mojego angielskiego tlumaczenia, chodzi mi najbardziej o gramatyke, dziekuje za pomoc

‘nobody wants to be bad’
Dad had a special gift of courage and an absolute stability. He never complained neither about life or about people. No one was reproached. It is even impossible to imagine the father aching, weak or blaming others for his misfortunes. Although, during his childhood, he experienced hunger and Siberia, and Stalinism, war, tuberculosis and countless number of deaths of close to him people in his youth, it seemed like he did not have any problems excepting finding necessary notes for his lectures or finishing a book.
On my complaints he loved to reply using words of Bulgakov’s Yeshua: ‘All people are good. Nobody wants to be bad. Just simple this person does not want to be better, but wants to be only good.’ However he sorrowfully admitted that some people seemed like to be died for him. Even though they were still alive, but dead for him. It happened that a deceased person came back to life.
Once, when he was a dean, he returned home during office hours and he was not himself. Without any explanations he locked himself in a room.After a long while he came out looking a bit greeny and pinched. The story was long. There were few informers under Stalin. When rehabilitation started , mostly all of them managed to vanish from Moscow, because before a discharge from a prison, to prisoners had been showed their personal records and those informers were finding out who had slandered.
pomozcie prosze, jutro musze to oddac :(((
Gdzie studiujesz?

Cytat: Gangstaaa
‘nobody wants to be bad’
Dad had a special gift of courage and an absolute stability. He never complained neither<-PODWOJNE PRZECZENIE, ZRESZTA SLOWO DO USUNIECIA about life or about people. No one was reproached. It is even impossible to imagine the father aching, weak or blaming others for his misfortunes. Although, during his childhood, he experienced hunger and Siberia, and Stalinism, war, tuberculosis and PRZEDIMEK ALBO countless number of<-ALBO USUN TE DWA SLOWA deaths of close to him NIE MOZE BYC WYRAZENIA Z PRZYIMKIEM PRZED RZECZOWNIKIEM. NIE PO ANGIELSKU people in his youth, it seemed like he did not have any problems excepting<-NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWINGU finding necessary notes for his lectures or finishing a book.
On<-NIE MOWI SIE 'REPLY ON' TYLKO... my complaints he loved to reply using THE words of Bulgakov’s Yeshua: ‘All people are good. Nobody wants to be bad. Just simple=PROSTY this person does not want to be better, but wants to be only good.’ However he sorrowfully admitted that some people seemed like to be died,_TO JEST FORMA SIMPLE PAST for him. Even though they were still alive, but MUSI BYC PODMIOT I ORZECZENIE ALBO USUN 'EVEN THOUGH' dead for him. It happened that a deceased person came back to life.
Once, when he was a dean, he returned home during office hours and he was not himself. Without any explanations he locked himself in a JAKIMS NIEZNANYM POKOJU? room.After a long while he came out looking a bit greeny JAKI? and pinched A TO?. The story was long. There were few informers under Stalin. When rehabilitation started , mostly all=GŁÓWNIE WSZYSCY? of them managed to FLEE FROM Moscow, because before a discharge from a<-USUN prison, to prisoners ZLY SZYK ZDANIA had been showed<-ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA their personal records and those informers were finding out who had slandered. NIE ROZUMIEM KONCOWKI


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia