Integrated skills CPE - dwa zdania

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Cytat: grudziu
She waited until her brother had left for school before she started doing her homework.

takie clumsy-looking zdanie to najlepiej zamienic np. na:
She didn't start to do her homework until her brither had left for school.
Time permitting (no dash here), I will do something

right, engee? :)
Cytat: engee30
Cytat: grudziu
She waited until her brother had left for school before she started doing her homework.

takie clumsy-looking zdanie to najlepiej zamienic np. na:
She didn't start to do her homework until her brither had left for school.

Bingo! I've got another possiblity of expressing it. Cheers.

I know I loaded up the sentence to such an extent it bursts at the seams!
you already know it's fine, plonker :P
engee, jeśli już jesteś to chciałbym się o coś zapytać.

Chodzi o fragment wypowiedzi: love is when you start rehearsing dinner-date conversation before breakfast.

Nie jestem ekspertem od gramatyki, ale nie podoba mi się to "is when". To me, it's incorrect to say
"x is when"

One is in love when...
You're in love when...

Dobrze myślę, engee?

p.s to samo będzie pewnie z "where".

ale tu wszystko jest okay
no właśnie ja mam przeczucie, że to polski sposób myślenia.
No zastanów się:

A thing is when/where.

Szkoda, że nie mogę drzewka narysować ;/ coś tu nie tak jest moim zdaniem. Poczekajmy na inne komenty.
as for me, I think a thing is never 'a when' or 'a where'.
edytowany przez grudziu: 14 mar 2013
a takie zdanie z Collinsa:
The only thing I consider wrong is when you hurt someone
jak inaczej chcialbys to przekazac?
Po polsku nie użyjemy czasownika 'być', ale np. 'zdarzać się', 'zachodzić' itp. Myślę, że to nie pasuje Grudziowi.
Ale zdanie angielskie jest ok.
czyli wygladaloby na to, ze Grudziu przegina - nie szukaj doslownych znaczen, bo to prowadzi do takich a nie innych probelmow ze zrozumeniem istoty zagadnienia
Ok, dam zdanie z "why", które jest moim zdaniem też "faulty":

My math grade is why I'm so depressed.
okay :/
Cytat: engee30
czyli wygladaloby na to, ze Grudziu przegina - nie szukaj doslownych znaczen, bo to prowadzi do takich a nie innych probelmow ze zrozumeniem istoty zagadnienia

Nie, nie - to nie tak. To nie tak, jak napisał mg. Od pewnego czasu rysujemy drzewka. To naprawdę przydatne - widać mnóstwo relacji, Chomsky "miał łeb".
czym sie rozni drzewko dla
this is why I'm depressed
my math grade is why I'm depressed
jak dla mnie to tylko dwiema roznymi formami podmiotu
Abstrahując od tego, o czym dyskutujemy, dam inne zdanie, z moich drzewek wynika, że no od razu jest to bzdura:

The lost child was finally found wandering in a frozen farmer's field = farmer was that cold?

Powinno być: In a farmer's frozen field...
nie koniecznie powinno byc tak, jak poprawiles - moze z kontekstu wynika, ze ten farmer jest zamrozony; w innym przypadku, twoja poprawka jest zasadna
Cytat: grudziu
no właśnie ja mam przeczucie, że to polski sposób myślenia.
No zastanów się:

A thing is when/where.

Szkoda, że nie mogę drzewka narysować ;/ coś tu nie tak jest moim zdaniem. Poczekajmy na inne komenty.

Love is when you start rehearsing dinner-date conversation before breakfast [ ... is the situation when ...]

May is when she takes her last examination. [' . . . the time when
she takes her last examination.']

Nonminal wh-clause - technically nominal relative ( restrictive) when-clause

Polecam lecture, bardzo ladnie napisane:
”When-clauses and Temporal Structure” by Renaat Declerck
gdzie sa omawiane:
- A detailed functional typology of English when-clauses.
- An analysis of the possible tense combinations—both normal and special—in
head clauses and when-clauses.
- A discussion of the many different temporal interpretations of when-clauses.
- A treatment of the special class of ‘narrative when-clauses’

There’s nothing wrong here. The subject NP ( love) is followed by the CP ( when-clause – embedded if you like) , which is a sister to the VP ( is). Embedded clauses are : specifier clauses, complement clauses and adjunct clauses. This one is not an adjunct. Obviously the whole tree must involve a TP rule, if you know what that means. This fits Chomsky’s X-Bar Theory parameters.

....drawing a tree? Really? Are you that far with relatives?
edytowany przez savagerhino: 14 mar 2013
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: grudziu
no właśnie ja mam przeczucie, że to polski sposób myślenia.
No zastanów się:

A thing is when/where.

Szkoda, że nie mogę drzewka narysować ;/ coś tu nie tak jest moim zdaniem. Poczekajmy na inne komenty.

Love is when you start rehearsing dinner-date conversation before breakfast [ ... is the situation when ...]

May is when she takes her last examination. [' . . . the time when
she takes her last examination.']

Nonminal wh-clause - technically nominal relative ( restrictive) when-clause

Polecam lecture, bardzo ladnie napisane:
”When-clauses and Temporal Structure” by Renaat Declerck
gdzie sa omawiane:
- A detailed functional typology of English when-clauses.
- An analysis of the possible tense combinations—both normal and special—in
head clauses and when-clauses.
- A discussion of the many different temporal interpretations of when-clauses.
- A treatment of the special class of ‘narrative when-clauses’

There’s nothing wrong here. The subject NP ( love) is followed by the CP ( when-clause – embedded if you like) , which is a sister to the VP ( is). Embedded clauses are : specifier clauses, complement clauses and adjunct clauses. This one is not an adjunct. Obviously the whole tree must involve a TP rule, if you know what that means. This fits Chomsky’s X-Bar Theory parameters.

....drawing a tree? Really? Are you that far with relatives?

Very well posted. Ok - we're just discussing the matter. My approach may've been too philosophical.
We have to draw trees to get a pass (descriptive grammar classes). The book you recommended I already have. It's quite bulky, but it's certainly worth reading.
Just to make it clear, this book is about semantics of when-clauses.
It has nothing to do with generative grammar.
That's ok a friend of mine.
Cytat: grudziu
That's ok a friend of mine.

That’s a stretch. I don’t even like you.-:)
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: grudziu
That's ok a friend of mine.

That’s a stretch. I don’t even like you.-:)

I won't get shirty with you - for I know you're just playing along :P
Of course I am..and I always do.:)
Since yesterday I've been thinking of top priorities for Pope Benedict's successor. I'm still in a dither when it comes to the issue of clerical celibacy, Pope Benedict, as far as I remember, rejected calls for a debate on the matter. I didn't expect any European cardinal to be elected pontiff. At any rate, the issues which the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church will have to face are: sex abuse, a position of women, splendour in churches, interfaith tensions and others. I will keep my fingers crossed for Pope Francis, and indubitably, I woudn't like to be put in his shoes.
edytowany przez grudziu: 15 mar 2013
One more thing. Let's don't regard me as a bigot or religious maniac. Yesterday bad news was broke to me. I got to know my friend's daughter's daughter, a 12 year-old, has been diagnosed a massive tumour in her belly that may be cancer. Today Madison (this is her name) had his ovaria cancer removed. In that situation you may cry your eyes out.

Sorry to be the topic of the day...
Cytat: grudziu
One more thing. Let's don't regard me as a bigot or religious maniac. Yesterday bad news was broke to me. I got to know my friend's daughter's daughter, a 12 year-old, has been diagnosed a massive tumour in her belly that may be cancer. Today Madison (this is her name) had his ovaria cancer removed. In that situation you may cry your eyes out.

Sorry to be the topic of the day...

Not a problem, it's ok.
I understand. People always turn to God when they know the end might be near and when their lives hang in the balance.
You know that saying? “It's not the pace of life that concerns me. It's the sudden stop at the end”
And ‘at the end’ it all comes down to knowing about this ‘stop’ as a relatively fixed date and that’s freaking tough.

To round it out on a positive note though:
I can talk politics, I can talk dirty, I can do life coach topics, I can even talk some English grammar but somehow I can’t really relate to those bible pounders and soul savers ( no disrespect intended). Maybe they're good people by nature.
Anyway, I wish our top sky-padre ‘Frankie’ ( again, no offense) could catch devils as effectively as Frank Rizzo did his trashtalk on these liver lips here :)

edytowany przez savagerhino: 15 mar 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-59 z 59
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