znieść/wytrzymać coś

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jakiego zwrotu użyć mówiąc, że łatwo/trudno jest coś znieść/wytrzymać, kiedy ma to związek z czasem, np. z długim oczekiwaniem? 'last sth'? 'stand sth'? czy jeszcze jakiś inny zwrot?
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edytowany przez fui_eu: 19 kwi 2013
I can't/won't/don't make it (kiedy np. musisz iść do WC) - ale to nie jest związane z wyczekiwaniem.

I can't wait to see you. To już ma związek.

Podaj zdanie i kontekst...
edytowany przez grudziu: 19 kwi 2013
It's hard to bear...
It's (almost) unbearable to..
I can't stand the wait. I can't stand waiting. Zalezy co chcesz powiedziec.
I can't stand the thought of...

coś w stylu "nobody likes to wait, but it is easier to stand it?/last it?/bear it? when you know it's worth''
"God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it's worth the wait." -:)

jakis cytat, ze ktos tak ladnie zawsze powie, prawda
God has always perfect timing at all , women not necessarily :((
no ładnie, ładnie, ale nie do końca to chciałam wyrazić ^^
Is that really worth waiting ? It depends on who/what to wait for..;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 kwi 2013
Cytat: Robbertoxx
God has always perfect timing at all , women not necessarily :((

Let's face it, it works both ways. 'For a while' is a phrase whose length can't be measured - at least by the person who is waiting. We know that 'while' is not so much similar to Polish 'chwila', because it can be really long.


Why don't you tell him now and get it over and done with?
We do not like to wait by nature. Not only is it the case when there's some touch-and-go situation, but also when we look forward to the Christmas holidays, not to mention about yearning for your long-anticipated beloved :-).
Who knows a woman's deepest thoughts ? 'While' can take 5min as well as 50min. I ;ve been trying my best to make it out why's that for a long long time ..and at the end of the day i find myself not knowing better at all. Some people say ' love is blind and if you're 100% following your heart , you better act carefully because in fact you are getting to nowhere "
There is also the thing of : When your heart's on fire, smoke gets in your eyes.
That's right. We know we are sometimes torn apart because of the conflict between heart and reason. We will end up like Werter did as long as we don't reconcile these two 'powers' we are driven with. One of reason functions is sublimation of our desires, that is, we can channel them in different ways or put them forward for later, and this is what differs us (at any rate it should do) from animals.

p.s. Good morning terri :)
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
But, but, but...the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is to fall in love...
...because you feel as if you were incarcerated in prison without a way out?

p.s. Love is like a friendship caught on fire as somebody said.
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
Cytat: grudziu
...because you feel as if you were incarcerated in prison without a way out?

far worse than prison, There, you may just get out for 'good behaviour'
To fall head over hills in love? ..sounds not so bad ;) but the thing is also 'Love is like heaven but hurts like hell'. I'd say that it's often like ''more hell than heaven" What , the hell , to fall in love for?:)
Love gets you one day - like it or lump it. I. It all starts inside of us, but we are too weak to love forever, we need sort of booster...If we love, it goes out of us, but we want to get it back, otherwise there's something missing...
Why do we fall in love?
Good question.
So easily to fall in love but seems HARDLY to fall out of love.. it takes a long ,long time to get over .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 kwi 2013
I made out that love's pretty unpredictable - it doesn't come when the most needed ...nevertheless it's going to hits you all of a sudden, when nothing at all to suspicion ..so how,on Earth to protect yourself against? I;m not going wrong sayin that ' this is 'out of the blue' kind of thing.
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 kwi 2013
Falling in love and love itself do not run parallel with each other. That's the first thing. That every person has their own insight into the case is another one.

p.s. You are both writing as if love was a kind of punishment for people LOL
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
True ! that's the way it goes . Reminiscing " love in itself ' track by DM. It's ages since I listened to this one ;) kinda throwback , it's rare to be played on stations now.
em, że tak przerwę i wrócę do swojego pytania - to jak to powinno brzmieć? :D
np. I can hardly wait.
Czyli nie moge sie doczekac? Mi sie zdaje ze justme sie pyta o cos innego.
Tak, nie chodzi mi o to co napisała Eva....
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