Zdania do uzupełnienia - porada

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 36
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Mam problem z uzupelnieniem zdan brakujacymi wyrazami. Problem polega na tym, ze nie wiem co wpisac i gdzie ewentualnie szukac odpowiedzi... Niektore, to pewnie wyrazenia, ale google nie zawsze pomaga ;/ (to test na komputerze, pokazuje tylko czy mamy dobra czy zla odpowiedz)

1. It corrensponds to grade 4 ____ 6 scale.
2. I wrote the manual in a ______- friendly way.
3. I'm diligent ______ varied work experience. (znalazlam wszedzie diligent in - ale pokazuje mi, ze to zla odpowiedz)
4. She edited articles_____ content and language accuracy. (najczesciej pojawia sie in content, "to" czasami - tez zle)
5. He participated in a workshop ________ lathes and measuring tools.
6.I always carry out work ________schedules (Myslalam, ze on schedule - niestety nie.)
7.You should determine eligibility for protection ______ U.S. Copyright Law (wpisywalam chyba wszystko, co sie dalo, bez skutku)
8. We processed documents ___________ to market details.

Czy moge prosic o jakies wskazowki, ew. odpowiedz ?
1 ?
2 user
3 with
4 for
5 on
6 according to
7 under
8 according
Dziekuje bardzo za pomoc!!! Tylko z 6 i 8 cos jest nie tak.
w 6 sprobuj off, albo zle spisales i powinno byc as scheduled
w 8 moze through
Sprobuj as per w 6.
6. spróbuj: ahead of schedule
poza konkursem:

It correponds to grade 4 in a 6-point grading scale

p.s. Tam jest złe spelling na początku.
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
1. sprobuj to.
To jest konkurs? Co mozna wygrac?;)
Byłoby super coś wygrać :-). Tak potocznie mówimy jak podajemy jakieś nierelewantne informacje, które nie mają większego znaczenia dla danej sprawy.
1. ...to grade 4 on 5 scale
6. ..moze byc tam 'to' ..
8. related/relating?
Cytat: savagerhino
1. ...to grade 4 on 5 scale
6. ..moze byc tam 'to' ..
8. related/relating?

Dziekuje, wszystko juz pasuje !!! Oczywiscie zostalabys/zostalbys nagrodzony/a, gdyby byl to konkurs, a tak pozostaje Ci satysfakcja i moje szczere podziekowanie :)
Cytat: vannvidd
Cytat: savagerhino
1. ...to grade 4 on 5 scale
6. ..moze byc tam 'to' ..
8. related/relating?

Dziekuje, wszystko juz pasuje !!! Oczywiscie zostalabys/zostalbys nagrodzony/a, gdyby byl to konkurs, a tak pozostaje Ci satysfakcja i moje szczere podziekowanie :)

"I can't get no satisafction". Where is my prize?
You gypped me out of big bucks. I can handle that but please don't change my sexual orientation, ok.:)
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: vannvidd
Cytat: savagerhino
1. ...to grade 4 on 5 scale
6. ..moze byc tam 'to' ..
8. related/relating?

Dziekuje, wszystko juz pasuje !!! Oczywiscie zostalabys/zostalbys nagrodzony/a, gdyby byl to konkurs, a tak pozostaje Ci satysfakcja i moje szczere podziekowanie :)

"I can't get no satisafction". Where is my prize?
You gypped me out of big bucks. I can handle that but please don't change my sexual orientation, ok.:)

The prize is in your mind.... It sounds like a poem :D
Sorry, for that..
Maybe do you want to help me with structural mechanics ? ^^
edytowany przez vannvidd: 20 kwi 2013
....with structural mechanics ?

What is it this structural mechanics? Like burning the mid-night oil in the office?
Hope you're not a minor, because if you are, I'ma outta here already :)
Cytat: savagerhino
....with structural mechanics ?

What is it this structural mechanics? Like burning the mid-night oil in the office?
Hope you're not a minor, because if you are, I'ma outta here already :)

Something what caused nightmares frequently .. ^^
Not a miner fortunately.
The prize is in your mind....


Don't fight it, it's bigger than both of us :)
Not a miner fortunately.

That's for sure LOL :)
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
I understand. Personally, I've never had an afinity for numbers and stuff like that. I 'm a 'former' drop-out jazz pianist, really. It's all good.
Take care
Cytat: grudziu
The prize is in your mind....


Don't fight it, it's bigger than both of us :)

right, one-track mind, huh :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 kwi 2013
Do you know a young and beautiful woman who is not ready to flirt just a little?
Loving somebody is like breathing - how can I stop? :). Not all guys are pigs and not all girls are slutsm, yet both are becoming endangered species.
Oh, I see that Friday night is perfect time for philosophizeing .. Don't you think ? ^^ By the way I don't know about you but I prefer different kind of poem like this :)
Cytat: grudziu
Do you know a young and beautiful woman who is not ready to flirt just a little?

Oh yeah, I think I do. Look at this big bertha buffalo. She looks almost like an 18-wheeler rig.


I hate to repeat myself but there's always this one good thing about woman like these:
They give you warmth in the winter and shade in the summer :)

p.s. Oh, no, heads will roll. I'm sorry Terri, I must've missed it her name is Terri too.
Gag me with a spoon :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 kwi 2013
Cytat: savagerhino
I understand. Personally, I've never had an afinity for numbers and stuff like that. I 'm a 'former' drop-out jazz pianist, really. It's all good.
Take care

Everythinng is interesting, if you want to find out sth new - don't loose your time, just do it :) Take care too.

Every body sickness is generated by sickness of mind...
>>Everythinng is interesting, if you want to find out sth new ..

right, especially that new "don't ask don't tell Obama's policy" in the military.
let's say, the toughest navy seal whatever muscle-man suddenly 'feels' he's not an average G.I. Joe but G.I. Joan :))
Oh, no, heads will roll. I'm sorry Terri, I must've missed it her name is Terri too.

LOL. We're waiting for what terri has to say for herself :)
edytowany przez grudziu: 20 kwi 2013
Cytat: grudziu
Oh, no, heads will roll. I'm sorry Terri, I must've missed it her name is Terri too.

LOL. We're waiting for what terri has to say for herself :)

I don't know how about you but I'm leaving the country :)
Mechanical tasks are calling me, so good night, thanks once again for help in ENG. Bye :)
Cytat: savagerhino
Cytat: grudziu
Oh, no, heads will roll. I'm sorry Terri, I must've missed it her name is Terri too.

LOL. We're waiting for what terri has to say for herself :)

I don't know how about you but I'm leaving the country :)

I'm going to provide myself with a real honest-to God auto-assault shotgun just in case. Women are so unpredictable, even in bed, which is an asset to me.

gotta go to sleep. take care. see you!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 36
poprzednia |


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