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auto - assault shotgun ? you can always take light 66 disposable anti - armor launcher instead ;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 20 kwi 2013
alrighty then, I'm bailing out too..I'm going to check on fox how things stay with this remaining raghead bomber in Boston. Hope they put a bullet in his head already.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 kwi 2013
Second terrorist captured. Mommy and daddy claim their babies are innocent, framed by FBI:)))))
Cytat: fui_eu
Second terrorist captured. Mommy and daddy claim their babies are innocent, framed by FBI:)))))

Yeah, right, my a*s they ‘are’ ( allow for past here because technically they both are already ‘past’)

There’s a question to be asked though. In 2010 the FBI was warned by Russians ( probably by their Federal Security Service) about this older sick f*ck having a connection with radical muslims and that he needed to be put through the wringer to find out what his ‘current status’ was at the time.
The FBI came back with “no evidence of terrorism activity." There’s no need to elaborate on that any further. This whole thing smacks of a cover-up.


This is basically what happens when you have a socialist-marxist (and extremely pacifistic) president running the country. But there’re a lot of people who knew it was coming. As a result, his policy of appeasement and genuflection towards radical islamists has been permeating all levels of federal and state government agencies since he took ofiice. Another gruesome ramification surfaced in Boston – an eght-year-old kid is dead and many people lost their limbs.
Some republican shmucks worry about him being a muslim ( although he claims he is not). No big deal. His biological father and his stepfather were both muslims, so what? This is not a problem. Many of them are good and decent people. People should rather worry about his sympathy and affinity for RADICAL muslims.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 kwi 2013
This is not a problem. Many of them are good and decent people.

Good you don't put all muslims in one sack. Islam and Islamism are not a brother and sister although they both lie at the root of one religion. Muslims in Saudi Arabia and those in Turkey are completely different.

You were talking about president Obama?
take a shrewd guess

or maybe don't

I don't want black SUVs with directed mikes lurking around my apartment :))
edytowany przez savagerhino: 20 kwi 2013
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