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This article discusess Patanjali's eightfold path , characterized by him in the Yoga Sutra . This path involves the training of the mind , but also moral action and asceticism . It requires from adept control of all spheres of life . The Treaty of yoga recommends two basic elements that should be practiced inseparable from each other - Abhyasa ( practice ) and vairagya ( detachment ) . Renunciation and mind training are important measures by which you can achieve freedom from pointless wandering in the cycle of samsara . Yogi can not give up vortex of life, should choose stability of the body, thoughts and mind . All yogic techniques require the same - actions that are completely opposite than what makes human nature . Yogic path from the point of view of the ordinary person is unnatural . The essence of the problem is fundamental ignorance, consisting of mistaken identity with varying mental states and discern in them the actual Self. Removal if this error is a fundamental goal of yoga. The ordinary man sees this as a threat to their identity. For the yogi is exceeding the normal limits of human consciousness and gain total freedom .
uczen=the disciple
you? a może one
Yogi bez przedimka kojarzy sie z misiem Yogi
the vortex, bo to jest of phrase
thoughts czy thought?
opposite to
path jest policzalne
...path is unnatural from the point...
jaka czescia mowy ma byc 'discern'?
removal nie kojarzy mi sie z error
ostatnie zdanie - co znaczy 'for' i dlaczego present continuous
Bardzo dziękuję! :)
Discern to czasownik. Co byłoby lepsze od "removal" w takim razie? For - dla, "Dla jogina jest to przekroczenie ograniczeń normalnej ludzkiej świadomości i zdobycie całkowitej wolności".
*w tekście powinno być "removal of" - to akurat literówka ;)
zdanie z discern jest niegramatyczne
w zdaniu z for brakuje podmiotu
correction of this error
na co to tlumaczenie?
Ok, to po wielu poprawkach całość wygląda tak:

This article discusess Patanjali's eightfold path , characterized by him in the Yoga Sutras . This path involves the training of the mind, but also moral action and asceticism . It requires from the disciple control of all spheres of life. The Treaty of yoga recommends two basic elements that should be practiced inseparably from each other - Abhyasa (practice) and vairagya (detachment). Renunciation and mind training are important measures by which one can achieve freedom from pointless wandering in the cycles of samsara. The Yogi can not involve in the vortex of life, should choose stability of the body, thought and mind. All yogic techniques require the same - actions that are completely opposite to what makes human nature. Yogic path is unnatural from the point of view of the ordinary person. The essence of the problem is fundamental ignorance, consisting of false identification with impermanent mental states and seeing them as the actual Self. Correction of this error is a fundamental goal of yoga. The ordinary man sees this as a threat to his identity. The yogi exceeds the normal limits of human consciousness and gains total freedom.

Dziękuję jeszcze raz za pomoc.
wandering mozna potraktowac jak czasownikowy gerund - wandering pointlessly
zdanie z involve jest niegramatyczne
przed should choose albo podmiot, albo but
path jest policzalne i wymaga przedimka
zamiast impermanent - transient?

info o autorze tekstu prosze. Studia, po filologii itp.?
Hm, nie wiem jak to zdanie z involve przerobić. Jak inaczej ująć, że nie może się rzucić w wir życia? Może zamiast involve - engage? Transient lepsze, faktycznie.
A co do autorki, czyli mnie, to nie studiowałam filologii tylko filozofię i tekst to streszczenie jednego artykułu.
Pozdrawiam :)
engage himself będzie gramatycznie poprawne

ogolnie dobre tlumaczenie, dlatego pytalem o szczegoly personalne
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