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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu o Aztekach. Jeśli są jakieś błędy to proszę napisać. Pozdrawiam, Krissek ;)

The Aztecs

According to legend, on today's area of Mexico from mythical land arrived The Aztecs from Aztlán. God Huitzilopochtli has driven them for coasts of lakes Texcoco. When they arrived at an island in the lake, they saw an eagle which was perched on a nopal cactus full of its fruits. They were treated from start by other people with distrust inhabiting region valley Mexico Aztecs and opened distaste. However, they were far too weak, in order to put opened contumacy.
The Aztecs built their city of Tenochtitlan on that site, building a great island, which today is in the center of Mexico City.
In 1481 king Tizoc ruled briefly, but he was considered weak, so he was replaced (possibly through assassination by poisoning) by his younger brother Ahuitzol who had reorganized the army. The empire was at its largest during his reign.
The main contribution of the Aztecs rule was a system of comunications between the conquered cities. In Mesoamerica, they had no animals for transport, nor wheeled vehicles, so the roads were designed for travel on foot. Usually these roads were part of the tributes, and travelers had places to rest, eat, and even latrines at regular intervals, every 10 or 15 km. They were constantly watched, so even women could travel alone. Also, couriers (Paynani) were constantly traveling along those ways, keeping the Aztecs informed of events.
The Aztecs were conquered by Spain in 1521, when after long battle and a long siege where much of the population died from hunger. Commander Cortés, with his up to 500 Spaniards, did not fight alone but with as many as 150,000 or 200,000 allies from Tlaxcala, and eventually from Texcoco, who were resisting Aztec rule. He defeated Tenochtitlan's forces on August 13, 1521.
In my opinion, The Aztecs were very curious people. The Aztecs history is very interesting.
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