(brak przedimka) child in childhood needs motion because activity, fun and games 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego 'na' ale to jest zle) the fresh air develop the imagination and view of the world.
'Now' (dla mnie to jest dziwne slowo, bo kiedy np masz to zrobic? jutrto? Lepiej 'below') I write ten things which for me 'is' (ale 'things' to jest l. mnoga, a tutaj masz czasownik l. poj) most important acvities, fun and games for a child to do.
1. Balance on a fallen tree - because (brak przedimka) child (brak 2 slowa) train balance.
2. Track (brak przedimka) wild animal - in this activity (przedimek) child can see (przedimek) wild animal, get to know them (tutaj jest potrxzebny przecinek) trail and can learn to be quiet.
3. Make a grass trumpet - (przedimek) child can learn how make something out of nothing.
4. Feed a bird from your hand - (przedimek) child can learn (cos brak) live with animals.
5. Find your way with a map and (dalabym prxzedimek) compass - this activity 'develop' (tu activity to rzecz 3os.l.poj) 'the' (niepotr) 'depth' (zle slowo) perception.
6. Climb a tree - (przxedimek) child can learn persistency and have a good time.
7. Visit an island - Most islands 'offers' ('islands' to l. mnoga, a czasownik masz l. poj) an enormous variety of natural beauties, and child (cos brsak) see this.
8. Watch the sun 'wake up' (jest inne slowo 'rise') - (przedimek) child can see (przedimek) fantastic and 'wonderfull' (blad ortog) view.
9. Cook on a campfire - 'it is' (ale przeciez 'activities' to jest l. mnoga, dlaczego uzywasz l. poj?) good activities to spend time with (przedimek) family and nothing beats the taste and appeal of a meal cooked over the campfire.
10. Go on a nature walk, at night - (przedimek) child can see nature at night and 'heard' (zly czas, tutaj teraz.) (przedimek) animal sound.