>>bezposrednio dajesz bezokolicznik to
>>jezeli nie, zmieniasz forme bezokolicznika na for + osoba + to
nie z 'tell'
to zdanie co napisales od razu mi dalo po uszach
a tutaj tlumaczenie dlaczego tak:
14.33 Indirect statements, questions, exclamations, and directives ( p.1030- Complex sentence , Quirk et al)
[a] If the subject of the infinitive is not present in an indirect directive, it is understood to be identical with the indirect object or prepositional object when it is present:
She told me to call again tomorrow. ['that I should call again tomorrow']
I whispered to them to be quiet. ['that they should be quiet']
The subject may be introduced by for, especially in AmE,
except when the reporting verb is
ditransitive tell:
She said for us to sit down. I shouted for them to clear the way.
If the verb is say and the for-construction is not used, the subject is understood from the
situational context:
She said to sit down.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 sty 2014