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Cytat: engee30
mozna swobodnie powiedziec
She told for us to go (out) into the garden.

In the (deeeeep) backwoods of the South and (?) Southwest.
that's where engee must come from
not only there, if I'm honest
I let myself ask a native speaker about it on other language forum and here's what he wrote:

It does not take that form.
You can want [something to happen]
or (colloquially, not good in my opinion)
you can want for [something to happen]
but you tell someone [something]
That has to be a phrase

She told me that we should go somewhere., unqoute

An opinon from a non-native:

'Told me' and 'for us to go' are contradictory.
You cannot command me something what we should do., unqoute
edytowany przez grudziu: 26 sty 2014
>>I let myself ask a native speaker about it on other language forum and here's what he wrote:
no news to me, dave. I didn't have to

>>In the (deeeeep) backwoods of the South and (?) Southwest.

oh yeah, they have nice swimming pools too :)

edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 sty 2014
ostatni zielonosiwy powiedzial mi, ze slowo jakowe nie jest slowem w j.polskim
tak sie sklada, ze jest, moze nie uzywane, ale jest

jezeli pytasz nativa o jakies uzycie, on nie koniecznie moze miec pojecie o takowym
nie opieraj opinii o jednego czy paru wypowiadjacych sie, znajdz takie zrodlo, abys mial szerszy zakres respondentow w danym temacie

poruszamy się w obrębie normy językowej, a słowa jakowe nie ma nawet w słowniku staropolskim
po raz kolejny ciekawe jest to, ze jednak slowo istneje, zostalo uzyte w roznych zrodlach, a dalej uparcie jest mowa, jakoby nie istnialo :(
nie znam takiego słowa.
no bo nie musisz znac, jak sie z nim kiedys jeszcze spotkasz, to poznasz je przeciez
ja się spotykam czasem ze słowem wziąść , ale to jeszcze nie znaczy, że jest poprawne
ale ty o czym innym teraz piszesz wziasc vs wziac
Szekspir pisal jezykiem, ktory jest obscure dla przecietnego Anglika; tak samo jego przeklad na polski moze byc dla Polaka czyms niezrozumialym
nie ma takiego słowa w słowniku, potraktuj słownik jako wyrocznię
nie mozesz sie opierac tylko o jakies zamkniete zrodlo
Cytat: 335
Cytat: engee30
mozna swobodnie powiedziec
She told for us to go (out) into the garden.

In the (deeeeep) backwoods of the South and (?) Southwest.

I took the trouble to look it up:

For (prep), in sentences such as I want for you to come too and They said for us to come in, usually gets unfavorable comments, especially in written use. The first is Dialectical and Nonstandard; the second is Casual, Impromptu, or Informal. I asked for help and We will not want for money are both Standard. See WANT FOR.

from the old Columbia Guide to Standard American English.
czyli tak, jak w tym calym watku, uzycie tell sb for sb else to do sth jest po prostu unfavo(u)rable, i to glownie w pismie; w mowie nie ma z tym tak wielkiego problemu
'She told me for us to do whatever..'

This is fundamentally wrong no matter how you slice it, and no matter who says what. It just sounds wrong, it's freaking jarring..
By your thinking, of course it can be 'cool' if you drag all those morons into that, who speak 50 words of English (and who sometimes happen to make $50 mil a year) and who usually can't build up one coherent sentence but who mock those who have the vocabulary of two thousand words.
And they're invited to the WH now. Everythng can be mf this mf that, mf that mf this. This is basically what their 'lexical density' consists of, let alone grammar.


It's about 'to tell me for us to do' construction we're braking our balls about here.
There are two implied subject of the infinitve (or two raised objects of the superordinate verb) here that make the whole construction sound like two buicks trying to park in one parking spot.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 sty 2014
would of been also gets unfavourable comments
jezeli jakis autor uzywa takiej frazy, to ty go z moronami zaraz klasyfikujesz, prawda jest taka, ze ty sie z czyms takim nie spotkales, i jest ci o tyle ciezej w pojeciu, ze takie cos jest w uzyciu
>>to ty go z moronami zaraz klasyfikujesz,

becuase they are
cool :P
if you're cool, I'm cool too :)

Only offensive speech needs protection, polite speech doesn't becuase it's polite, is it not?:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 26 sty 2014
Cytat: engee30
czyli tak, jak w tym calym watku, uzycie tell sb for sb else to do sth jest po prostu unfavo(u)rable, i to glownie w pismie; w mowie nie ma z tym tak wielkiego problemu

Wilsonian euphemisms casual, impromptu, or informal in reality mean slovenly, shabby, or crappy.
If you can't get it, you are full of yourself.
335, once again you get something wrong

casual, impromptu, or informal refers back to this peculiar use:
said for sb to do sth, where in standard English it's only the preposition to that is regarded as 'fully'correct, as you will

the other issue of the to-infinitive and the so-called unfavourable use of for with it is actually what we've been banging on about in this very thread
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