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Good morning everyone, I’m XXX. I’m going to tell you about e-business. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s start. The Internet is an integral part of society in many countries around the world. Companies are increasingly turning to the use of the Internet to promote their activities, more and more people are choosing to set up a so-called e-business, and not a traditional business. Does anyone know what is e-business? Exactly e-business, is the apply of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Electronic commerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses. IBM's marketing and Internet teams launched the term ebusiness in 1996. Before there was the era of internet business, e-business had developed in large companies and international corporations for many years in the form of EDI - Electronic Data Interchange.
With electronic business (e-business) combine both more general issues: electronic commerce (e-commerce), electronic enterprises (e-enterprise), electronic economy (e-economy), and even the electronic society (e-society), or electronic government (e-government), as well as more specific, such as e-banking and e-learning.
We see that with the popularity of the Internet increases the value of the Internet market in Poland. Year after year, these values are higher. In 2014, it amounts to 35.7 million zł, it is 2.7% of GDP. E-business in Poland is the fastest growing sector of the economy.
Now, let's look at the map of Europe. we see that the largest share of e-business in GDP is in the UK and Switzerland. The smallest in Poland and Spain. Despite the rapid development of e-business in Poland it does not seem to be well compared to other countries.
Like everything eBusiness has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the advantages. The strong sites of e-business we include:
• Large market potential to attract customers. Internet does not limit us geographically, we can work with people living even in another country.
• Reduce to found e-business to start.
• The large capacity of e-business to adapt to changing market conditions. Leading Internet business can be very fast retrain, changes the profile of activity, or has to change existing habits of the company.
• The flexibility of e-business enables us to very often to find ever new forms of cooperation with other actors in the network, and allows us to work anywhere at any time.
Running an internet business is associated with a number of benefits, but this form of business also has also some disadvantages. Among the most important of them we can mention:
• The long process of building connections among customers and gain their loyalty
• In the online market is real competition.
• Not every company can use function of the Internet - their nature does not allow.
That's all for today. Thank you for your attention.

Good morning everyone, (punct.) I’m XXX. I’m going to tell you about e-business. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s start. The Internet is an integral part of society in many countries around the world. Companies are increasingly turning to the use of the Internet to promote their activities, (punct.) more and more people are choosing to set up a so-called e-business, and not a traditional business. (business niepoliczalne) Does anyone know what is e-business? (zły szyk w drugiej części) Exactly (voc.) e-business, is the apply (voc.) of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Electronic commerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses. IBM's marketing and Internet teams launched the term ebusiness in 1996. Before there was the era of Internet business, e-business had developed (zły czas) in large companies and international corporations for many years in the form of EDI - Electronic Data Interchange.

E-business to e-commerce. To ostatnie zdanie nie ma sensu w obecnej postaci. Jak przed pojawieniem się online business mógł się rozwijać e-business? Czy nie jest to sprzeczne?


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