I to moje chyba już ostanie zadanie;)
Przeczytaj artykuł. Dopasować nagłówki do akapitów 1-5.
.a)The way it was, B)Dinner at noon , c)Time for tea, D)Different timetables, E)Away from home all day
1.A In Medieval England, mealtimes were very clear. People ate breakfast at dawn, dinner in the middle of the day, and supper just before they went to bed. Breakfast was a slice of bread or porridge, dinner was the largest meal of the day, and supper was a light snack. People got up at sunrise and went to bed just after sunset, because there were no electric lights.
2. B Each social class organized dinner in its own way, but everybody ate at midday. The aristocracy had a formal dinner with a lot of dishes to show their importance. Once their customers had left, the merchants and tradesmen of the middle classes could have their dinner. They usually ate bread, soups and pies, and maybe some meat or fish. The lower class peasants stopped work at noon to eat. Their families brought them bread or soup with peas and beans with perhaps some cabbage, turnip, or onions mixed in.
3. D During the 17th and 18th centuries, the aristocracy were less involved in politics, so they had more leisure time. The men went to bed late and did not get up again until noon, but the ladies continued getting up at their normal time. To accommodate the men, dinner moved to the evening, but the ladies grew hungry during the day. Their solution was to have a light meal of sandwiches and cake at midday, which they called luncheon. By about 1810, this had become a routine for the upper classes.
4.E When factories appeared on the outskirts of cities during the Industrial Revolution, the middle and lower classes had to travel further to work. This meant that they could not have a big midday meal at home. Instead, they took a snack to work with them, and they had dinner when they got home in the evening. In this way, dinner became an evening meal, and the midday meal became a light snack. Many workers continued to have dinner at midday on a Sunday, when they didn’t have to go to work
5.C An extra meal was introduced later in the nineteenth century because of a new invention. Indoor lighting meant that people could spend more time in the evening relaxing with friends and family, and so they started having dinner much later. To fill the gap between lunch and dinner, they copied the aristocratic custom of serving tea and biscuits to visitors. Soon, nearly everyone was having afternoon tea at four or five o’clock each day