Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rozwiązałem ale nie mam pojęcia czy dobrze.. bardzo proszę aby ktoś to spradził i wychwicił błędy. Brakuje mi przykładu nie wiem jak go zrobić

Change the following sentences into reported speech.

1. “How big profit does the company make?”
The tax inspector wanted to know… how big profit makes the company
2. “Don’t touch that wire, Jim!”
The instructor warned…Jim not to touch that wire
3. “I reported the theft to the police at once.”
The woman said… that she had reported the theft to the police at once.
4. “Were you sitting at the café at this moment?”
The police officer wanted to know..
5. Unfortunately in future there will be fewer people to work for old generation’s pensions.”
Demographers claim… unfortunately in future there would be fewer people to work for old generation’s pensions.
6. “We are introducing the new system next month.”
The manager said… they were introducing the new system the following month.
7. “I like flexible working hours.”
Margaret said…she like flexible working hours.
8. This charity organization was founded in 1896.
The leaflet said that…this chairty organization have been founded in 1896
9. “I’m afraid many people will be made redundant soon.”
The trade union representative said that…many people would be redundant soon
10. “We are planning to open a new branch in Portugal next year.”
The CEO said that… they were planning to open a new branch in Portugal the following year.
11. “Are you planning to retire next month?”
The personnel manager asked me.. if I was planning to retire the follownig mounth
12. “Mr Whyatt has never been on time”
The manager complained that…Mr Whyatt has never been on time
13. “Please, fill in the form here”, the secretary asked me.
The secretary asked me… to fill in the form
14. “What have you done to my computer?”
My sister asked me… what I have done to her computer
2 3 6 9(prawie) 1[tel]ok
w pozostalych albo nie przestragasz nastepstwa czasow, albo stosujesz nastepstwo tam, gdzie nie potrzeba (5) albo masz zly szyk i inne bledy (1).
a moge prosić o pomoc? mecze się z tym od rana i jakos nie umiem sobie poradzic z ta mowa zalezna...
niektore masz dobrze. Znajdz informacje o mowie zaleznej np. na tej witrynie, poczytaj i poprawiaj.
dobrze robie pokolei.. moge wiedzeć co jest źle w 2 3 6 i 9? bo nie umiem znaleźć tu blędu
i slusznie, bo one sa dobre
ok dziękuję, w powyższym poście przy tych numerkach napisane jest prawie.. to mnie zmyliło;)
niescislosc notacji :-)
'prawie' dotyczy nr 9, pozostale wymienione nr są ok.
9. “I’m afraid many people will be made redundant soon.”
The trade union representative said that…many people would be made redundant soon

14. “What have you done to my computer?”
My sister asked me… if I had done to her computer

5 bym tak zostawił...

7. “I like flexible working hours.”
Margaret said…that she was like flexible working hours.
9 ok
14 jakie 'if'?
5 zle, tam nie bedzie nastepstwa czasow
7 podstawowy blad dotyczacy wyrazu 'like'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.