Teraz całość:
I'll never forget the time after Christmas seven years ago.
+It was the first time that+ I had a chance to meet my grandmother who liveD in England. /spotykać po raz pierwszy, poznawać - meet; spotykać się z - meet with/
Aby uniknąć powt. "time" ułożyłbym to zdanie tak:
It was to be my first chance to meet ... itd.
It was A very exciting Monday but only until evening.
Słowo "exiting" w kontekście późn. tragedii jest trochę niefortunne. Może tak:
That Monday had started as a day full of joyful anticipation, but eventually things took a very different turn.
Memories of THE accident which happened that day are very PAINFUL. /bolesne zamiast cierpiące/
THE20th of dEcember was very snowy but also QUITE sunny.
On the plane I was thinking all the time only about the end of THE journey and ABOUT my grandmother.
I saw that my parents too. -> So did my parents, as far as I could see.
When we finally arrived at LONDON airport after the long flight, I saw her staying in A crowded place and looking round. Although there WERE lots of people I recognizeD her IMMEDIATELY because I had SEEN photos FROM my father's childhood many times.
That day I FOUND OUT that she STILL LOOKED young and CHEERFUL but at the airport she seemed to be also a little nervous. She told my father she had MISSED HIM a lot and then he gave her a big hug. +My mum and I+ proposed GOING to a restaurant or TAKING A WALK. Some time later (lepiej: SOON) we were talking and laughing loudly in a nice cafe. THE weather was slowly changing. When it became dark and foggy we decided to take a bus and go home.
NONE OF US HAD misgivings ABOUT OUR TRIP HOME, albo np.-> None of us had expected anything wrong could happen. /"misgivings" to podejrzenia, czy przeczucia związane z jakimś określonym działaniem, konkretną osobą, itp./
Unfortunately, NEAR grandmother's house our bus had an accident. /"near" bez przyimka, przed "grandmother" nie ma rodzajnika, tak jak przed "mum", "dad"/
It happened suddenly. -> Ew. np. (gdyby chcieć uniknąć powt. "happen"): It all took a split second. (ułamek sekundy)
The reason was the fog and doubtless THE driver's inattention. -> "inattention" jakoś mnie gryzie, to bardziej "niedopatrzenie"; ja bym dał np. "lack of concentration", albo po prostu "fault".
In that accident only one person died - my grandmother. /nie ma dobrego synonimu dla "accident" - "mishap" to całkiem nie to - "wpadka")
It's incredibile how that short but painful event influenced THE UPCOMING Christmas. The funeral took place in Poland, FIVE days after our return and THE HOLIDAYS, which THE THREE OF US WERE TO SPEND together with +the rest of the+ family, we spent alone in +sorrow and mourning+.