
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej miałam napisać raport dotyczący wynajęcia starego teatru od rady miasta. Możecie poprawić ewentualne błędy gramatyczne i ortograficzne i użycie odp czasów!?

This report is submitted for permission to rent old and disused theatre in our town. I represent a drama company called "Only stars" . The company needs place to theatre rehearsals and destroyed building of our theatre is perfect.
The old theatre is located in the center of our towe. This place looks awful against the background of historic old town. The company which I represent has the idea od renovate the exterior of the building. We will renew columns and stairs and then we will do a small garden in front od the theatre.
People in our town don't have access to live entertaiment. Our proposal is a good way to solution this problem. The theatre is also good to learn different things. Biographical art can be a grrat history lesson and art in the english language can be a english lesson.
The theatre could be open on weekday evenings from 17 to 22 and weekend afternoons from 15 to 23. For schools we could open on Friday mornings from 7 to 11 am. We plan to issue thematic art e.g. a play about Halloween. After week we will change repertory. Everyone find something for himself because we have prepare do art for children and adults.
To conclude, "Only stars" would be able to lead the theatre. The company has a crative idea to provide high-class entertaiment. For our town will become an ornament and pride of the town.

Bardzo zależy mi na czasie!!!
'INTRODUTION' (blad ortog nie za dobry start)
This report is submitted for permission to rent (tutaj mnie pasujeprzedimek) old and disused theatre in our town.
The company needs (przedimek) place 'to' (zle slowo, tutaj 'for') theatre rehearsals and (przedimek) 'destroyed' (zle slowo, jak cos jest destroyed to znaczy ze nie istnieje) building of our theatre is perfect.
The old theatre is located in the center of our 'towe' (popraw). This place looks awful against the background of (przedimek) historic old town. The company which I represent has the idea 'od' (co to? tutaj ma byc 'of') renovatING the exterior of the building. We will renew (przedimek) columns and stairs and then we will do a small garden in front 'od' (popraw) the theatre.
People in our town 'don't' (podaj w calosci. W formalnych pismach zawsze dajemy w calosci) have access to live 'entertaiment' (ortog). Our proposal is a good way to 'solution' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'solve') this problem. The theatre is also good 'to' (dlaczego caly czas piszesz to slowo 'to', to jest zle, tutaj OF) learnING different things. Biographical art can be a 'grrat' (ortog) history lesson and art in the 'english' (duza litera) language can be a (tutaj dodalabym 'a form of an) 'english' (duza litera) lesson.
The theatre could be open on weekday evenings from '17' (5 p.m.) to '22' (10 p.m.) and weekend afternoons from '15' (3 p.m.) to '23' (11 p.m). For schools we could open on Friday mornings from 7 (a.m.) to 11 am. We plan to 'issue' (daj inne slowo, moze 'present') thematic art e.g. a play about Halloween. After (tutaj cos brak moze 'a', ale ja dalabym to inaczej,'every week..) week we will change (przedimek) repertory. Everyone (tu brak modala) find something for 'himself' (a kobiety nie istnieja na tym swiecie, tutaj napisz 'themselves')
because we have prepareD 'do' (co to jest?) art for children and adults.
The company has a 'crative' (ortog) idea to provide high-class 'entertaiment' (ortog). 'For our town' (cos tu nie tak) will become an ornament and pride of the town.

Bardzo zalezy mi zebys nauczyl sie uzywac przedimkow (a, an, the), bo cos o nich zapominasz....
@Terri nikt nie jest doskonaly ...nawet ja gubię sie w przedimkach ...bo nie ma 'decent rules ' jak to użyć :(
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 18 paź 2016
>>>Terri nikt nie jest doskonaly ...EVIDENCE
>>>>bo nie ma 'decent rules ' jak to użyć:...sa, tylko nikt ich nie rozumie


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