Active into passive - poprawa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the past people used salt as payment for work.
In the past salt was used as paid for work by people.

In France people eat 700 million snails every year.
In France 700 million snails is being eaten every year by people.

People have produced chocolate for 2,000 years.
Chocolate have been produced for 2,000 years by people.

Half the world's population eats rice.
Rice is being eaten by half the world's population.

People are throwing away 88,000 kilos of food right now.
88,000 kilos of food is being throwed away by people right now.

Czy jest to dobrze "przekonwertowane" z active na passive?
...used as paid???
...snails is???
Chocolate have???
...kilos of food is???
w zdaniu z rice jest jedno niepotrzebne slowo, niczego nie brakuje
w zdaniu z food takze zla forma czasownika throw
w zdaniu z rice jest jedno niepotrzebne slowo
w jednym z pozostałych zdań, też.
tak, zresztą to samo słowo :-)
No tak, przeoczyłem to "being" ... Zobaczymy co na to autor.
edytowany przez argazedon: 27 sty 2017
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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