Animal welfare
Animal welfare is aggregate (suma, grupa) variables (czynnik) of animals environment. These surroundings are composed of:
1. having to possibility (możliwość) demonstrate of social behavior,
2. Food and water (in abundance – do woli),
3. Comfort relaxation,
4. Freedom of :
a.) injuries (zranienie),
b.) cold,
c.) overheating (przegrzanie),
d.) overload organism (przeciążenie organizmu),
e.) stress.
Particularly last of this list is very important, but all of this items are stressor. Stressor may be continuous (ciągły) and short-lived (krótkotrwały) and frequent (częsty) bat it directs to stress always. Stressor is normal component of people live, but animals can’t handle (radzić sobie) with this problem. Stress is generating malaise (złe samopoczucie) at animals and is proximate cause (bezpośrednią przyną) diseases (chorób). Thise to bring about (powodują) drop (spadek) of producer income because ill animals can’t to produce raw materials (surowiec) in last level. They use up (zużywać) its energy for fight with this stress. For example, when the stressor actived, the animals are reacting as loser (ofiara) to predator (drapieżnik). They operate (działać) automatically and don’t know that it hasn’t any sense in this moment. The animals are „freezing” or doing „startle reflex”.
Freezing is when object instinctable don’t move, don’t take any sound and general try being imperceptible (niezauważalny), because predator is aggressive reacting at move (ruch).
Startle reflex is when object react more panic or aggressive. It is quick run to attack or escape. This reaction is instinctable too. Both (obie, oba) reaction have strong influence of health animals.
This reaction bring about (spowodować) blood pressure, gastric ulcers (wrzody żołądka), infertility (niepłodność) and disagree (odmawianie) receiving food.
All effects of this reduce producer income, and make physical ache (ból) for animals as I think that nobody haven’t any profit with this situation and this practices will disappear. (znikną)
In natural terms (warunki naturalne) animals can beat (uniknąć) stressor. They change your live places, but in farm this is impossible. Farmer can create in your farm similar (podobne do) to natural condition, and this investment isn’t too expensive, but this attitude (podejście) isn’t popular because it is a novelty (nowość) in Poland.
We have 7 act and 11 regulation in this matter but we don’t handle this serious. Our government give our farmer transitional period (okres przejściowy) to adjust at European norm but deadline has been brought forward again and again...
In this moment level of welfare in Poland is even to European in 1960.
I known, Agriculture is very conservative sector of all country, and any reform proceed in farming very slowly, but we haven’t be on last position always.